WSPR 100mW 10m results today

A picture says more then 1000 words. I finally found a way to import the WSPR data from the database output on the website. It is rather complicated but will try to get back to that later. Interesting is that I can now finally do what I want with the data. I mean the things I like. Like a worldmap, a earthglobe and DXCC counting.

The globe is made through HRD V4 with google earth. The results were not shocking today. But for 100mW in my Alu-tape antenna not that bad.

I will try to reproduce everything tomorrow and write kind of a manual how to get the WSPR data converted to ADIF and then import it in your favorite logger.

Below all the spots that were made of my 100mW transmission today.



10m ARRL contest part 2

What can I tell, can propagation get any better? I only made 15 QSOs in the morning as my second operator did not know which buttons to push, so I had to follow her with my eyes constantly before she would switch off the entire station. That almost happened! Anyway, when she was away and in bed for her afternoon nappy I made te rest of the QSOs and stopped at 200. 15:15 UTC like yesterday. At that time the greyline was jumping in and the frequency went crazy. Worked 1 station/minute last 20 minutes. Signals booming from Europe, South, Central and North America with signals over S-9. Real fun to contest like this even without a beam. So different from my first ARRL 10m contest in 2006 when I actually obtained first place in the same category as now because I was the only participant! A overview: 2006-22 QSOs, 2007-30 QSOs (as PA25HSG), 2008-20 QSOs, 2009-21 QSO’s, 2010-5 QSOs, 2011-200 QSOs. What a difference!! Lot’s of nice DXCC worked a few new ones on 10m. A all band new one today was Guam which was surprisingly easy to work, and as he worked a lot of Dutch stations there seems to be a small path of propagation in between. Don’t know how many USA/Canada stations I worked as I lost count, I probabely worked some new states. A list of interesting DXCC:

A61BK (UAE), UA9XL (As.Russia), RK8I (Uzbekistan), HS0ZDG (Thailand), V25R (Antigua&Barbuda), VK6IR (Australia), UN6P (Kazachstan), CE1DY (Chile), AU2JCB (India), B7P (China), LV5V (Argentina), CO2CW (Cuba), SV5DKL (Dodecanese), HI3TEJ (Dominican Rep.), TR8CA (Gabon), BX5AA (Taiwan), EK6TA (Armenia), KP2A (US Virgin Isl.), TI5N (Costa Rica), NH2DX (Guam), HZ1FI (Saudi Arabia), PU2LEP (Brazil), HK1NA (Colombia).

ARRL 10m contest part 1

First of all thanks all that replied to my previous post and send me best wishes and health I really appreciated it. Actually I don’t feel that ill when I keep quiet. But from what I heard Pneumonia can be very treacherous and I don’t want to end at the hospital. So, I heated up the radioshack and did a few hours of DX on 10m today in the ARRL contest. So far not too bad. I worked VK as new DXCC on 10m SSB (VK6IR had the honor). And of course lot’s of other nice DXCCs. Actually when the USA/Canada came in strong the band was that crowded I decided to call CQ up in the 28.800-815 to take some rest and was surprised that there actually was response. I was even spotted on the DX cluster! Band closed very early but I already stopped at 15:15 UTC as my little QRP Anneli was awake from her afternoon nappy and I was very tired as well. Tomorrow is a new day with new chances.

Todays activity

I actually put the old 6 elem. logcell together for the upcoming 10m contest. Never expected that I would actually use it again and forgot to mark bits and pieces. But overall putting it together went smooth.  Unfortenately just when I was ready to get it up the small mast it there was a very heavy storm arriving with thunder, lightning, rain and hail. So, I hope to continue Saturday morning if weather and time alows. Some specs of this antenna. 4 elements fed, gain about 11dBi, front to back >30dB, front to side approx 25dB. Unfortenately I don’t have a heigh mast to put it on. So the specs will not be that good as on say 12 Mtr height. I think even on a low mast it will outperform my multiband vertical on 10m. We will see this weekend.

Last weekends contest disaster

I did participate in the EPC Ukraine PSK63 contest on 80/40m and the 10m RTTY contest last weekend for a while. Goal was to score some points for the “afdelingscompetitie” (local divisional contest counting). I did make 105 QSOs in total. 78 in the EPC contest and 27 in the RTTY contest. Not much, but not bad since I didn’t spend hours on the radio. Unfortenately N1MM did not support the EPC contest, I could not fill in the exchange UR12 for example, and I had to switch over to DM780 to continue. After all I cannot merge both ADIF files to a good one for conversion to cabrillio and I do have some errors counting as well. I actually made a total mess of it, so I’m sorry I will not send in my log. These russian contests are supported well by mixW, but that is not a free program and I don’t like to work with it. It doesn’t have the “feel” I like from a digital modes program. It could be personal.

Welcome to the future

Casey TI2/NA7U recently wrote in his blog about the Elecraft KX3 which has a rather outdated look. Of course that’s just a opinion. Others will tell that it has just what they search for in a radio. But…I would rather have a flexible design were I can design my own front and knobs instead of being dependable of what the designer has in mind. With the technology of today it should not be that difficult. So, I was thinking and searching on the internet for pictures and found the site of WoodBoxRadio which already invented and sell part of my idea, the FXpad. It’s basically a Ipad for your SDR (Flexradio system) or of course any other radio. Now, you think that probabely costs a lot of money. Well just look around at that site. FXpad is just software. The pad itself only costs 179 euro, that’s not too expensive if you compare it with for example a Ipad or similair. I remind you it’s only a touchscreen, not a computer! I certainly want to have a screen like this in my new shack!  Anyway, to get back to a idea for a new (QRP) radio with such a configurable touchscreen instead of knobs buttons and a display. What about a radio that is for example just as thick as a Elecraft KX3 but then with a configurable touchscreen. Software/hardware options like a internal keyer, digital modem, build in wireless LAN, progammable voiceprocessing, software updates for new features. There are endless possebilities. Just for example if you want it to look like a old Argonaut radio or just the KX3 if you like, you just change the display and it’s features to what you like. Another idea I would like is a self learning mike connection, a kind of USB plug for your mike. Just plug in any brand of mike and the radiocomputer learns the connections itself. That should be on the radio of the future….any other ideas? You’re welcome to write it as a comment on this post.

CQWW CW 2011

Saturday: Well, I did switch on the radio this Saturday morning. But had only limited time. First QSO was made late in the afternoon on 10m. But 10m did close early, so down to 15m. Only 9 QSOs made till now only with the USA and Canada. Hopefully I do have more time for it at Sunday.

Sunday: Switched on the radio and computer late Sundaymorning. But no time till about 14:30 UTC. I concentrated on the 10m band and made some QSOs. Most of them with the USA and Canada again. CW is more luck then wisdom for me, the computer does most of the work. Then I came across the signal of 5X1NH Uganda, a couple of calls later I made the QSO. New DXCC all band and on 10m. 10m closed early again at about 19:30 UTC, so I end with 29 QSO. 23 on 10m and 6 on 15m. Did unfortunately not have much time for this international event this year. But after all am lucky with the new DXCC.

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