ARRL CW DX contest was a no go!
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I had to use the snowblower to dig out the antenna base |
I had to take a pass on this year's ARRL CW DX contest I was not happy about it but I wanted to play it smart. I did not want to be looking back and saying "I should have sat this one out". Here was the issue, here in the Maritimes we had an incoming snowstorm which is not an issue. This one had the potential of freezing rain and high winds. On Friday the storm had passed and we did not get much freezing rain and the Hustler 4BTV was fine. Around 9 am on Friday, the winds began to pick up, and then there were powerful gusts of wind. These were the speed of the maximum rating for the antenna and were not forecast to be this strong. I have the luxury of being able to take the vertical antenna down which I did. The plan was to put it back up on Saturday if the winds died down, come Saturday they had lessened but not by much and on Sunday another storm was headed our way with wind gusts of 90km or more.
With heavy snow, winds and freezing rain, I made the decision then and there to sit this contest out. I did not want to put the antenna up for Saturday to then again take it down for Sunday. Besides I was checking the solar weather and Saturday was showing a Kp5 along with the Bz index dipping into the negatives. Ultimately, I did not want a damaged antenna for the sake of one contest knowing the potential weather that was coming. On Sunday evening we had lots of freezing rain and I am very glad I left the antenna down along with winds peaking again at 90 Km. Removing ice coating
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Seems Clusters have been possibly hacked.
One of my morning routines is to check on the clusters to see what's happening. I check DX Heat, DX Summit, and Holy Cluster. This morning, I noticed the same station was being spotted over and over nonstop. Holy Cluster was not as bad as the other two, but it still had issues with continued repeat spots. I noticed on Holy Cluster the same station is spotted on SSB, CW and Digi all at the same time. A sure sign of a hack I believe. I'm not sure how long this has been going on, as I just checked this morning.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Ham Radio License Class – Monument CO
The Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association is offering an amateur radio license class that includes the Technician (beginner) license material and the General license material. You can pursue Technician, General, or both!
Starts March 1st
• Earn or upgrade your FCC Amateur Radio License.
Earn the FCC Technician license or upgrade to the FCC General license.
• Convenient online learning with personal assistance and demos.
• Learn to operate ham radio for emergency communications.
• Learn to use the many VHF/UHF FM radio repeaters in Colorado.
• License exam session included, all learning materials included.
• A 20-hour, paced course of study
• Initial session equipment demonstrations
• Student self-study with the Ham Radio School Technician or General License Course, includes eBook readings, Video instruction, Focused reviews and quizzes, Optional in-depth learning media, Practice exams
• One-on-one personalized support from a knowledgeable and experienced ham radio operator
• Regular review sessions for Q&A, extra help
• Introductory Session, In Person Sat March 1, 1-4 pm Woodmoor Barn, Monument
• Zoom Instructional Review Sessions: Thursdays 7 to 8 pm
• FCC License Examination Sat March 29, 10:30 am Monument Library
• Get On the Air Session, In Person Sat April 5, 1-4 pm Woodmoor Barn, Monument
Class registration fee: $50 Technician or General ($40 under age 18)
Register for Technician
Register for General
For questions, contact Bob Witte KØNR: b[email protected]
Sponsored by the Tri-Lakes Monument Radio Association
The post Ham Radio License Class – Monument CO appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.
Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 369
Introducing wen goat 🐐 app
App tracks progress toward SOTA Mountain Goat award.
RigExpert’s administrative office destroyed in Russian missile attack
All employees are safe and production remains intact.
The coming 21st century Amateur Radio networking revolution
Amateur Radio is poised to experience the equivalent of the Packet Radio Revolution, but in the 21st century, with 21st century technology.
Zero Retries
HamCation presentation shows how to ramp up club participation
KN2D gave a presentation on how to increase your club’s member participation. He’s a marketing guy by profession, and it shows.
The unlikely story behind Mauritius’ first satellite
How a small island nation built and deployed its first satellite.
ZME Science
Building an automated NavTex receiver using a Raspberry Pi and SDRplay
NavTex is a safety and navigational information radio text broadcast system for mariners.
SatNOGS network has reached 11 million observations
The 11 millionth observation received data from satellite Orbcomm FM113.
Eric’s go-to low-cost, self-supporting antenna system for POTA
A 28½’ end-fed random wire (EFRW) antenna with three 17’ counterpoise wires.
“H” is for Heathkits and Hams
The 1970s was a period of sustained growth for the Heath Company.
EE Journal
Hamcation floor walk 2025
Take a walk with me around the main building at Hamcation 2025.
Grimeton Radio Station – The early days of wireless communication in Sweden
A film about the history and function of the radio station.
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Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at
VP2V/K0NR: Another Slacker DXpedition
Operating from countries outside the US can be a lot of fun. I just completed another Slacker DXpedition, this time to the British Virgin Islands. The formula for this type of operation is simple: identify an interesting vacation spot that is also considered DX, travel there with friends and family, take along some compact radio gear, and get on the air. A key point is not to overdo the radio operating, or the friends and family will veto any radio activity on future trips. This was not a super-gonzo turbo-charged DXpedition. I just worked in some radio action in between snorkeling and exploring the island. This is referred to as a “holiday style” DXpedition, or maybe it’s just the slacker approach.
VP2V British Virgin Islands
The idea for this trip originated with a group of friends who often travel together to fun places, often an island in the Caribbean. BVI had been on our list for a while, and we had a trip planned back in 2020, but the COVID-19 pandemic caused us to cancel it at the last minute. It has taken us some time to get a plan back together, but here we are doing the trip five years later.
When a travel opportunity like this surfaces, I check out the implications of amateur radio licensing for that country. For a US radio amateur (and probably most other countries), getting a radio license for VP2V is easy. The Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) website has clear instructions on how to apply. Joyce/K0JJW and I filled out a form, provided copies of our passports and FCC licenses, and paid a $20 license fee. This did require a trip to a notary public to have these documents notarized. My friend, Paul/KF9EY was on the trip so he also obtained his VP2V license.
We rented a fantastic house (Ana Capri Estate) on the north side of the island of Tortola. This house has a great view out over the water. Tortola is the main island of the BVI, and international flights are available at the airport on the east end.

The Ham Station

We took along our usual portable ham station, with a few updates. Our Yaesu FT-991 has served us well for POTA, SOTA, and island activations in the past, so it is our go-to radio for this sort of operation. The key features include a 100-watt RF output, a built-in sound card for digital modes, an internal antenna tuner, and a small enough size. This radio has HF plus 6m, 2m, and 70cm, which can be handy. Add a compact Samlex switching power supply, and we are ready. Recently, we have moved away from using End-fed Halfwave (EFHW) antennas and started using an End-Fed-Random Wire (EFRW), also called an End-Fed Long Wire (EFLW). The difference is subtle but important. The EFRW uses a wire length that is intentionally not resonant on any band, fed by 9:1 UNUN matching device. This setup radiates well over a range of frequencies but does require an antenna tuner because it is not a consistent 50-ohm impedance on all bands. I’ve found this to be a reasonable tradeoff between quick-changing band coverage and performance.

For this trip, we used the Palomar Engineers Bullet-9 UNUN, rated for 500 watts PEP. A variety of wire lengths can be used with this approach, with longer wires supporting lower frequencies. The 34-foot wire element supports operating on all bands from 40m to 6m, supported by the SOTABeams Travel Mast. The Travel Mast compacts to just 26.5 inches and extends to 32 feet. Actually, I modified the top of the mast to make it stronger, so the net height is closer to 29 feet. The end-fed wire antenna is almost vertical when deployed in this manner.
In past portable efforts, I’ve encountered issues with inconsistent antenna match and RF getting back into the FT-991. I checked this out carefully before the trip and adopted some mitigation practices that seem to help. First, I made sure the wire antenna could be supported almost vertically. This is not a strict requirement but it seems to help with getting a good match across all bands. I don’t use a counterpoise, but I do have 50 feet of RG-8X coax lying on the ground, which provides a bit of counterpoise. This length of coax also lets me keep the antenna separated from the transceiver by a reasonable distance, reducing the opportunity for RF to get back into the transceiver. Finally, I use a short USB cable, with ferrite cores on both ends, to connect my notebook PC to the FT-911. In the past, the USB connection between my PC and radio sometimes quit. These precautions appear to have paid off, as the station worked without any issues.

We set up the station outdoors under a covered patio to enjoy the fantastic view and (mostly) great weather while operating. This was not optimal, as we did get chased inside a few times when rain squalls moved in. They never lasted long, so I think the tradeoff was worth it.
The propagation on the HF bands has been quite good lately, and we continued to enjoy that while in BVI. We did not have much of an operating plan (“slacker style”) but intended to operate on the higher HF bands, mostly 20m and higher, using SSB, FT8, and FT4. Bob/W0BV pointed out that VP2V is somewhat rare, showing up at number 114 on the ClubLog Most Wanted List. Sure enough, whenever we called CQ, we were greeted with a nice pileup.

My VP2V/K0NR log has 1030 contacts, including 61 DXCC entities and 23 CQ Zones. I focused mostly on keeping the run rate up and just making contacts. About half of the Qs were with the US. The logs of VP2V/K0JJW and VP2V/KF9EY are not included in these numbers. I tended to stay on the higher bands as they were working quite well.
VP2V/K0NR Log Band Phone Dig Total % 30 0 79 79 8 20 0 46 46 4 17 0 90 90 9 15 0 161 161 16 12 44 349 393 38 10 0 260 260 25 2 1 0 1 0 -- ---- --- --- -- Total 45 985 1,030 100
As you can see from the numbers above, I made a lot of digital contacts (FT8/FT4). I found FT8 to be slow, and the normal FT8 frequency became crowded. There was much less congestion on FT4, and the run rate was better, so I found that to be effective. I enjoyed the SSB pileups for a while but found it to be a challenge to manage them. While I can work CW, I did not try to manage a pileup on that mode.
I found a 2m repeater on the island 146.73 MHz (—offset, no tone) and made a few calls on it, but I did not receive a reply.
QSLs will be via Logbook of The World only. I won’t be printing cards for this effort but the logs for VP2V/K0NR and VP2V/K0JJW are already loaded into LoTW. Thanks to everyone that worked us!
British Virgin Islands
BVI was a fantastic place to vacation. During our ten days there, we enjoyed the beaches, snorkeling, and sailing excursions. If you are interested in that, there are many online tourism sites to explore.

Thanks for stopping by.
73 Bob VP2V/K0NR
The post VP2V/K0NR: Another Slacker DXpedition appeared first on The KØNR Radio Site.
Bob Witte, KØNR, is a regular contributor to and writes from Colorado, USA. Contact him at [email protected].
24 hour snap shot.
I put my WSPR transmitter to work over the past 24 hours to get an idea of the conditions of the bands before the ARRL CW DX contest. The Kp index was anywhere from 3-4, not the greatest but it's something we have no control over. In this contest, North American stations can only contact DX stations. Below is a 24-hour breakdown of the activity on the bands that I can operate on (10m-40m) and also the Kp index over the past 24 hours as well. I did check the solar weather and it looks as if things are going to calm down slightly over the weekend. In a nutshell, 20 and 40m will be my go-to bands with sprinkles of 10 and 15m.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
LHS Episode #570: RepeaterSTART Deep Dive
Hello and welcome to the 570th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. In this episode, we interview guest Luke Bryan, KJ7BKH, about his RepeaterSTART project. The computer and mobile app is for locating and getting information and topo data about VHF and UHF repeaters around the globe. Topics include the code base, installation, usage, contributing to the project and more. Thanks for listening and have a great week.
73 de The LHS Crew
Russ Woodman, K5TUX, co-hosts the Linux in the Ham Shack podcast which is available for download in both MP3 and OGG audio format. Contact him at [email protected].