ARRL 10m contest part 1
First of all thanks all that replied to my previous post and send me best wishes and health I really appreciated it. Actually I don’t feel that ill when I keep quiet. But from what I heard Pneumonia can be very treacherous and I don’t want to end at the hospital. So, I heated up the radioshack and did a few hours of DX on 10m today in the ARRL contest. So far not too bad. I worked VK as new DXCC on 10m SSB (VK6IR had the honor). And of course lot’s of other nice DXCCs. Actually when the USA/Canada came in strong the band was that crowded I decided to call CQ up in the 28.800-815 to take some rest and was surprised that there actually was response. I was even spotted on the DX cluster! Band closed very early but I already stopped at 15:15 UTC as my little QRP Anneli was awake from her afternoon nappy and I was very tired as well. Tomorrow is a new day with new chances.