Wouxun go mobile with the KG-UV920R
Alerted by posts by Patrick, WA0TDA and Steve, GW7AAV, I see that Wouxun have announced an entry into the mobile rig market, with their KG-UV920R rig covering 144/432MHz.
Based on the coverage that Steve mentions in his post, there is FM receive from 65-220MHz – so this rig could receive on 70MHz too! In fact, reading the posts, I was wondering whether Wouxun will, in time, consider a 70MHz capable mobile rig.
The Wouxun portables have proved excellent and I am looking forward to hearing more about the mobile rig in due course.
Can’t wait for it to come, I want to try the mobile out.
73 de aj4hk
I’m quickly becoming a Wouxun Man
65-220? Really? I’m glad you are getting a 70Mhz receiver over there in Europe and I hope you get more transceiver options in the future too even though we don’t have that band in the US. Stopping coverage at 220 though, instead of 225 is almost like they are teasing us in the US who would like to see more activity in our 1.25 band. Do you guys have some super secret military transmissions in that band or something that makes the manufacturers unable to get certified if they cover it?
thats because there will be a 2m/440 and a 2m/220 version
so you will have to pick one just like the hand helds