W1GHZ 1152-MHz LO measurements

Through some reorganization at work in the past two months, I have suddenly gained ready access to a lab full of RF test equipment again.  Two years is a long time to go without. Apologies for the cell-phone photograph of the screen.

I took the W1GHZ 1152-MHz LO board over to have a look at it during lunch.  I’m seeing -11 dBm at 1152.007 MHz.  I am a bit dubious of the last digit of the frequency (even at 300 Hz RBW) but I’m sure there’s a frequency counter around somewhere.  Anyhow, I need to put a MMIC (or two) on the transverter board.  That should be a nice evening project along with the W6PQL preamp kit that showed up today.

Ethan Miller, K8GU, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Maryland, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “W1GHZ 1152-MHz LO measurements”

  • Fred W0FMS:

    I suppose putting a floppy into that Spectrum Analyzer and dumping out to a HP plotter file is out of the question then? :O)


  • k8gu:

    Why, yes it is. I actually stuck a floppy in my shirt pocket before trekking to the lab (which is not close to my normal office/lab space) only to find out there was no floppy drive!

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