The long drive
I’ll readily admit that I don’t mind driving. I’ve been fortunate to own some pretty nice vehicles. My latest is a Ford F150 that has my Diamond VHF/UHF antenna mounted at the back of the the bed and my ICOM 2820 D-STAR radio nicely tucked into the console. When an impromptu trip came up Tuesday, instead of taking the ultra fuel efficient Honda, I took the truck. The ride is so much more comfortable, I enjoy riding up higher on the road, and of course the radio is much better than any temporary installation I can swing into the Honda.
It’s around 9pm and no one is around on the repeaters. This isn’t a route I travel very often so maybe I’m not on the active repeaters. I tuned over to 146.52 simplex. A quick call (not a long winded CQ) returns no takers. So wait a few minutes and try again. Just a simple call…”KG9DW mobile on I-39 southbound, listening on 52″. And back comes a fine OM – WA9CEG, John in LaSalle. I’m about 20 miles north of LaSalle, so I know John has a fine station. Even in the flat lands of Illinois, working a mobile station 20 miles away does require more than a Ringo Ranger on a 10 foot pole.
Even at highway speeds, our QSO lasted a good 30 minutes. We talked about what we do (or in John’s case did) for a living, family, radio, the weather…everything except for medical history! John worked in a steel mill and then owned an ice cream shop before retiring. His 6 kids were spread out about the area, with one living about 10 miles from my home QTH. We spoke of friends, common areas we’ve traveled, and then of happiness. We talked about things John was proud of, and the impacts he has had on others.
Talking with such a fine man, it was hard not to remember my own grandfather who died last year. The voice was similar, and so were some of the stories and advice. It was even harder not to think of my friend Fred Slayback who passed away earlier in the day after a long health struggle. As I as headed further south, I said my 73s before I ran out of range. John was still running a strong S5 signal as I fell over the hill for the flat run into McLean county. I hope to meet John on the air again someday, but if I don’t I’ll certainly remember our QSO on a rainy fall night in Illinois.
They say that it’s all about the journey and not the destination. Likewise, in ham radio it isn’t about the radio or antenna; it isn’t about the mode or technology. It’s about the conversations.
Thanks, Michael!
Great story. That kind of brief contact with a like minded person… a small glimpse into someone else’s world.
That’s what it’s all about, isn’t it?