Posts Tagged ‘steve nichols’

Show Notes #107

Episode #107 Audio (Listen now!):
Russ finds out that people don’t like the “how are you” start to the show, while Pete uncharacteristically says “ya’ll”.
  • Linux in the Ham Shack is having a contest! We will be giving away a Beaglebone Black. ( If you are currently a subscriber at the monthly or yearly levels, you are already entered and need not do a thing. If you are not a subscriber, you have 2 choices: #1 is you become a subscriber at the monthly or yearly rate or, #2 is you can call the LHS voice line (1-909-547-7469) and complete this thought: “I deserve a Beaglebone Black because…” Your answers can be as serious or ludicrous as you like. Please include a call sign, if you have one, and an e-mail address or phone number in your voice mail so we can let you know if you’ve won and find out where to ship your snazzy new Beaglebone Black. All entries must be received by 10:00pm Central Time on June 16th. The drawing will be done during the live recording of episode #109 on June 18th. Good luck!
  • Linux in the Ham Shack has a most famous listener: Adam Curry, the Podfather himself. His ham radio call sign is KF5SLN, and this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to LHS. He does the No Agenda podcast with John C. Dvorak.
  • The guys reminisce about Dayton Hamvention 2013. A big thanks go to all who stopped by the LHS booth. A big thank you goes to the mystery Robin Hood who robbed his wallet to give to the poor podcasters from Linux in the Ham Shack. There was a raffle for a Pignology Piglet from Sierra Radio Systems. Russ got the piglet at a reduced price and gave it away. Thanks go to George (KJ6VU) and Nick (N3WG) for the reduced price and for other work that they have done for Linux in the Ham Shack.


New members and social media folk:
  • LHS Members:
    • Hy C.  W2HY
  • Twitter Followers:
    • @W3RKN
  • Facebook followers/likes:
    • Doug D.
    • Dieter B.
  • E-mail from John, G7VRI
  • Blog Post from KE8P (
  • Web Comment from Josh, KK4LGZ
  • Web Comment from Adam, KF5SLN (“The Podfather”)
  • Thanks to our monthly donors
  • Thanks to all of our listeners (live & via podcast)

Contact Info:


  • Music: “Tramp” by Kassy Key & the Raindoggs, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • Music: “The Sun Is Shining” by Boxing Fox from the album The Shepherd Hates Us, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #107: Sorry for Party Bedrocking

Fred-Wilma-and-DinoThis is the first episode to be recorded since Hamvention back in mid-May. Russ gives his thoughts on the event and tells everyone about the contest that was held there, and also the new one that is being held for all of our listeners. Please get your entries in. You don't want to miss out on winning a Beaglebone Black! An interesting new Linux project that Russ heard about, called Bedrock Linux, came to his attention at Hamvention. The hosts interview the lead developer in the main segment of the program. On top of that, they discuss topics from milk shakes to retirement, announce the show's most famous listener to date and bring back The Badger. You don't want to miss any of this goodness.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #104

Episode #104 Audio (Listen Now):


  • Pete is back on the show along with Russ


  • Hamvention 2013 is happening May 17-19, 2013 in Dayton, Ohio. LHS reached the donation goal and thus will be in the Hara Arena. Thanks to Sierra Radio Systems for their incredibly generous donation that put us over the top. We will be talking with George from Sierra and Nick from Pignology in Episode #105. It’s a show you DO NOT want to miss.
  • Bill, KA9WKA, has announced that he is also going to be on hiatus for a while. Therefore, we now have an opening for a show notes taker and keeper of all knowledge! If you’d like to be that person, please send us an e-mail or get in touch with Pete or I in the IRC channel.
  • Website that lists known Linux Events.



  • Topic for short discussion: How is Ham Radio Free and Open Source?
  • Due to the length of the interview with Steve Nichols, feedback will be moved to after the interview in Episode #105.

Contact Info:



LHS Episode #104: Propagation 101 with G0KYA

Steve_Nichols_220412_smallWe sometimes on this show attempt to bring you interesting interviews with people who are both computer literate and ham radio literate at the same time. In this case, we bring a scholar, physics buff, aerospace engineer and brilliant guy, Steve Nichols (G0KYA), to discuss the science of radio wave propagation. No need to turn the show off before it even begins. Steve makes understanding the Earth’s atmosphere, its magnetic field, and a ton of stuff about the sun simple and approachable. No mind-bending equations, no physics lectures, just some great information for anyone interested in learning how a radio signal gets from here to there. A bunch of follow-up information in the form of books and Web sites are provided as well, links to which will be in the show notes, for anyone who wants to further their education. Thank you as always to our loyal listeners. Make sure to tell a friend next time you’re out for a cold one. The more the merrier.

73 de The LHS Guys

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