Posts Tagged ‘field day’

From eastern Kansas to the California Sierra Nevada – QSO with KD6EUG

Back in December of 2011 I got this email from my dad, Larry (KD6EUG) about the severe storm damage to his cabin in Mi-Wuk, California – located in the Sierra Nevadas:

The big pine tree that is located at the corner of the back deck, the one that we used as the center for all our antennas, split in two and about 90 ft of it landed on the back deck and cabin/garage. All the dining room windows and sliding doors are blown out. There is a 6″ separation between the garage and the kitchen. The PG&E power meter and feed lines to the power pole are ripped out. The wind had gusts of over 35mph.


Here are a few of the picture I received over the next few days showing the destruction:

My dad and I had a great field day from the cabin back in 2009. It was quite a blow to see what nature had delivered.

It has been a long path since December 2011. Through diligence and perseverance, my dad was able to revive the cabin. The work was finally completed this past summer.

We had another scare with the Rim Fire back in August and September. The fire actually came within a few miles of the cabin but fortunately the firefighters were successful in stopping it before it could do any damage.

My dad is now up there enjoying the California QSO Party from the cabin in Tuolumne County (…sometimes a pretty hard-to-get county in the CQP).

We have tried on several occasions to attempt HF QSOs while he has been at the cabin and I have either been here in Kansas or when I was stationed in Virginia. We never had much luck and have primarily used my EchoIRLP node as the best way to chat (IRLP Node 3553/EchoLink Node: KI4ODI-L 518994). Well, our luck changed today. We decided to give it a go prior to the CQP and started at 10Ms and worked down until we got to the 15M band. On 21.400 MHz we had brilliant success in carrying on an HF QSO. I’ve already send out the QSL card to confirm the contact.

With my coming retirement from the Army, I am going to have the opportunity to head back out to the California Sierra Nevadas this next June for Field Day 2014. I am looking forward to that!

Show Notes #110

Episode #110 Audio (Listen now!):


The Guys get ready this episode to reveal who gets the coveted BeagleBone Black.


  • K5TUX’ Field Day
    • Spent doing non-ham stuff.
  • 1st of July
    • Canada Day Celebrations in Gf. Pk / Ottawa / Hemmingford
    • RAC holds a Canada day contest every year on July 1st
  • Happy 4th of July to the USA

Main Topics:

Announcements & Feedback:

  • Beaglebone Black Raffle Winner Announced
    • Congradulations to Jonathan Nadeau for winning the Beaglebone Black.

Social Media Roundup:

  • Twitter:
    • NF7T Jake Gier @StibniteLad (Idaho)
  • Facebook
    • James George
  • Google+
    • Paul Schwan N4FTD
  • Subscribers and Donations
    • Walter WN3LIF (Yearly Subscription)
    • JonTheNiceGuy (Yearly Subscription)


  • No feedback this time.


  • Thank you to our monthly and yearly subscribers.
  • Thank you to all of our listeners, live and quasi-live.
  • You can reach us at [email protected].  You can leave us voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (547-7469).
  • Please subscribe to the mailing list.  A link is on the Web site.
  • Go to CafePress and Printfection and buy some of our show merchandise.  Each purchase helps out the show.
  • Listen live every every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central.


  • “Rex Mundi” by Studebaker’s Blacksmith Shop (Germany, June 2010) from the album Nebula, courtesy of Jamendo.
  • “Little Sister” by The Very Unknown Friends of Jane Doe (Germany – Wahlstedt, june 2011) from the album The Very Unknown Friends of Jane Doe, courtesy of Jamendo.

LHS Episode #110: GIMP’n

the-gimp-1July has been a bit of a rough month for Linux in the Ham Shack. Pete, our illustrious Canadian cohort, takes an extended break with his family during this time, leaving him little room for podcasting. That is to say, none at all. In the meantime, Russ has been dealing with a series of health problems which has kept him away from the microphone and editing computer. Despite this, Episode #110 is finally done and coming to you now. In this episode, the guys chat a bit about Canada Day and the 4th of July (two holidays now long past for this year). Then there's stuff about Field Day, The GIMP, Manjaro Linux and more. And yes, there IS a winner of the illustrious Beaglebone Black. If you weren't around for the live drawing, now you can find out who won. Thanks for keeping the faith, dear listeners. We'll be back on track soon. Promise.

73 de The LHS Guys

Field Day – this the way to do it.

Field Day, as it should be. QRP, fun and good friends.  This is a wonderful example of putting out the maximum effort to get the most out “of sending the very least!”

I’ve worked these fine folks individually many times over the years. It’s so nice to be able to put faces and voices to the people “behind the code”.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP -When you care to send the very least!

W5MPZ Field Day!

I had the honor of joining the Sandia National Labs Amateur Radio Club’s (W5MPZ) Field Day activities. The team consisted of 20 or so people who sought out this ham radio haven of a campground in the north edge of the Zuni Mountains near Gallup, NM. There was a lot of open space, many places to set up tents, and best of all, tall pine trees to hoist antennas. 

Our station was active for almost 24 hours, minus a lull at about 1:10 am Sunday morning. Our backup arrived at around 2 am, which included Brian (N5ZGT, Rocky Mtn Division Director), who just got back from a Turks and Caicos island vacation (or DXPedition, you might say), and Scott (N5SQR) who worked PSK and SSB.

Setup and Operation 


Before I arrived, the triband TA-33 beam was set up on poles over a center stake pounded in the ground.  It was rotatable by simply spinning the mast. The guy ropes were left slightly loose so that it’s rotatable, and they spool and tighten around the mast when you rotate it. They tighten just enough to cover the northerly half of the horizon without much added tension.
TA-33 with the 80m windom in the background
The beam was top. It was fun but frustrating to hear a section you haven’t worked on the back side of the beam, run out, turn it, and discover the station disappeared completely. 


The 40-50′ tall Ponderosa Pines were more than adequate antenna masts. Our method of pulling lines over the trees was with a spud gun — a PVC contraption with an air tank, electric valve, and 3′ long barrel which shoots a PVC slug with fishing line attached to it.

On my first shot, I got over this tree and the line sat perfectly on the brown number post.

The perfect shot.
After shooting the line over the tree, we’d tie and pull thin twine to it, then pull heavier rope to attach to the antenna. Repeat for the other side, and hoist away.
Old Glory on our 80/40 trap dipole
We had an 80/40 m resonant trap dipole on one tree, and the other was an 80m Carolina Windom. They were both oriented for maximun E-W reception and did a great job.

RPi camera

 A nifty setup was a motion sensitive camera connected to a Raspberry Pi. It snaps photos when it sees movement, and stores them on an SD card and posts them to our LAN. The router was for the LAN for syncing our logs.


We were 2A, so we had 2 stations on the air, all supported by batteries. We operated SSB, CW and PSK31.


Scott, N5SQR working SSB
After setting up the last dipole, we began calling CQ on a clear frequency a few minutes before Field Day start to secure our spot in chaos. Once it began, signals filled the band but we had an interestingly slow time throughout the day. We shifted operators on the top of the hour, usually having a logger and radio op on each station. We made around 150 QSOs on SSB, CW and PSK31 before sunset.

No field day station is without its problems. We were lucky to only have minor issues, like the logs not syncing or the digital station computer interface not working. These were easily and promptly fixed. Everything else (except for the band conditions) was perfect.

Our ops came from all areas of the hobby. Brian, for example, just got back from Turks & Caicos, and worked hordes of stations from VP5-land, while Seth never worked a contest before being a technician.

Brian and Seth teaming up to send Radiograms for bonus points
Seth taking names and gettign mults on the voice station

Seth quickly caught the Field Day bug and worked the 12-1am shift by storm, and eventually took both working and logging on the voice station on solo.

It was very cool to see him warm up to the air and get excited to work stations. It reminds me of my first Field Day, where I was thrown into the action and started racking up QSOs as fast as any other operator after only having a few hours to figure it out.

Seth also worked PSK31 after showing him the macros. He first though it was going to be too difficult, like CW, but was amazed at how simple it is.
The county sheriff got the call from us to visit the site. He visited on his regular patrol and we explained our operations to him. He was certainly impressed.

A visitation by the local sheriff


The Arrow LEO-SAT yagi and other antennas in the background

Sat Station Setup — FT-817 for RX and an 897 for TX

My job at W5MPZ was to bring a satellite QSO to the log for an extra 100 points. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen.

I had several attempts at SO-51 (the only FM satellite), VO-52, FO-29 and the zombie AO-7 (all SSB/CW transponders). I had most luck with the SSB satellites but had problems in being able to hear myself.

To work the SSB satellites (all but SO-51) you need to know where your signal ends up after it gets translated to the other band. For example, FO-29’s uplink band is 145.8-145.9 MHz, while the downlink is 435.9-436.0 MHz. One would think the 100 kHz passband would be linearly related, e.g. I transmit on 145.85, and hear myself on 435.95, but this isn’t the case. The doppler effect causes the frequency to differ by up to 500 kHz on UHF, so you need a way of calculating doppler, or simply finding yourself.

My technique was to spin a carrier through the passband until I heard it on the downlink, and switch to SSB to call CQ and tune into myself. Upon the switch, I lost myself.

I figured out the solution on the last pass of the weekend. The FT-897 has a feature in SSB mode that allows you to send CW at your tone frequency. So if I’m on 145.000 and have a 700 HZ CW pitch, it would send it at 145.000.70 MHz. Therefore, if you were tuned into 145 MHz on another rig, you’d hear that same pitch. All I had to do was zerobeat on the flipped bandpass, and call away. I finally heard myself repeated by the satellite, but didn’t have any replies within the last 5 minutes of the pass.

It was worth the effort (and in hindsight I should have just worked the ISS’s message system via packet)!


The underlying point of Field Day (aside from preparedness) is to have fun. W5MPZ did exactly that. Our support team of family members kept us well fed, watered, sheltered, and our batteries charged. One could not ask for a better place to set up and operate from, and the weather (despite being cold in the mornings) was amazing – not having wind and the 100°F temperatures to contend with was a huge relief.

I’m not sure of the final QSO count or score, but we only missed a few sections in Canada – NT, MAR, and ONN I believe — like we expected. Field Day isn’t a contest, so the score isn’t important to me or any of the operators aside from personal club goals and whatnot, so that wasn’t a worry. What matters is the coming together of like-minded people to getaway from the daily grind, have a ton of fun, share stories, and work stations.

Plans for the weekend

A lot, if not most of you probably have Field Day plans for the weekend. Not me.

There are several clubs in the area that have operations going on, but none really super close. Marianne is working on Saturday, and I don’t want to go anyplace farther from home, while leaving the kids home alone.

So, if everything goes according to plan, I want to spend the afternoon putting down more radials for the Butternut. The goal is to get about a dozen to twenty more radials down, after mowing the lawn. That would give me a total of 36 to 46 radials total, depending on how many I get down.

The Butternut really plays well with the current 25 radials that I already have in place. Some more can only make things better.

72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!

LHS Episode #098: Feudal Exercise

rackSometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. Luckily, Richard’s miraculous recovery from the Creeping Death outweighed Russ’s totally miserable Ides of January, resulting in a listenable episode with a bunch of content–mostly thanks to elcaset, a listener of the show, via IRC. There’s also a bit about svxlink using a Raspberry Pi (yes, it is possible and completely functional) and lots of information about upcoming events. We’d like to thank everyone you who submitted feedback, including The Radio Gangsta, who we also hope will get some much-needed psychological attention soon.

If you think about it, make sure to download the Black Sparrow Media app for your iPhone, iPad or Android device. And please tell your friends about the show. Have them sign up for the mailing list, episodes via RSS, the Google+ community and all the other ways they can keep up with what’s going on in LHS Land.

73 de The LHS Guys

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