Posts Tagged ‘Dayton Hamvention’
Skip Hamvention 2023, Go To ICU in Dayton
I had so many plans for my Hamvention 2023 visit on Friday and Saturday, May 19-20, 2023. For example, I planned on many interviews including one with N3ZN, maker of great Morse code keys. I also needed to visit the Card Checker Service of the ARRL DXCC program. I had a handful of DX cards I was submitting toward DXCC credits.

NW7US, in ICU at the hospital, instead of attending Hamvention 2023.
But, I collapsed about 40 minutes after I got to the Hamvention, on Friday morning! I had just finished getting my DX QSL cards checked at the ARRL booth, then I collapsed. After only being at my first Hamvention for a brief 40-some minutes, I was taken by ambulance to an ER of a Xenia-area hospital. My blood pressure was difficult to measure at the initial moments of being at the emergency room — it was about 60 over 40, and I had NO radial pulse.
After a CT scan of heart and neck, and blood lab work, I was transported again by ambulance to a hospital near Dayton. There, I was admitted to that hospital’s Intensive Care Unit (ICU) around 5:30 PM on Friday.
I’m writing this on Saturday, from my hospital bed, as I’m still in ICU in Dayton. I hope to be discharged tomorrow (Sunday, 21 May 2023).
The working diagnosis is Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), caused by a combination of issues starting with my parathyroidectomy surgery, a few months back. I had three of my four parathyroid glands removed because they were completely tumorous. I wrote about that in my previous entry on this website.
Turns out my calcium levels were lower than they should be, causing problems throughout my body, but especially in my heart. Additionally, I was severally dehydrated due to two medications I had been taking because the VA doctors thought I should be on them. But, these meds were working against me. One of those I don’t even need, but the VA had me taking. That one is FUROSEMIDE. The other is LISINOPRIL. I don’t have high blood pressure, nor water retention.
At the ICU, I have stopped taking those meds. I’m on an IV, getting hydrated, and getting calcium supplements.
My kidney function is improving but I’m going to spend another night in ICU until they feel confident I’ve made full recovery. I hope to be discharged on Sunday, 21 May, 2023.
I hope all of you that were at this year’s Hamvention have enjoyed the fellowship of radio enthusiasts. Maybe I’ll meet many of you, next year! I will make videos of Hamvention 2024, if all goes well in a year’s time.
If you were at Hamvention 2023, share some highlights in the comments!
UPDATE: On Sunday, I was released from the ICU, and I am now home recuperating. Monday is a bit rough, so am not at work, yet. BP is normal, and I am on new medication for my heart so that I do not get dehydrated by the furosemide and lisinopril. Here’s hoping for next year’s Hamvention, which I hope to attend.
73 de NW7US
Operating Bicycle Mobile with Mike Nickolaus, NF0N – ETH073
Thinking back to when I was a kid, I used to love riding my bike. My friends and I would get up early every morning and go riding our bikes for about an hour before school started. Then after school we would leave and ride our bike for another two hours or so until it was time to go home for supper.
I wasn’t a ham back then, but I sure loved that bike. Fast forward a few years to my junior year of high school when I got my ham license. I didn’t ride my bike so much anymore, because I didn’t live in town anymore and would’ve been a seven mile ride to and from school and on roads that probably were not the best roads to ride on.
I did start to merge the hobbies somewhat around this time though, however it isn’t anywhere near what Mike and the rest of his club does on theirs. I would clip an HT to my belt and the speaker mic to my shirt and that was the about it.
In today’s episode, Mike talks with me about how he does it, how he operates while being Bicycle mobile. We talk about some of his experiences and some contacts he has made.
No More Hara
The news just came crashing down from the ARRL that the 2016 Dayton Hamvention would be the last to be held in the Hara Arena. The home of the Dayton Hamvention since 1964 is closing. Hamvention 2017 will be held at a new, yet-to-be-disclosed location in the Dayton area.
I wish I could share with all my readers all the wonderful memories I have of Hara Arena. But unfortunately, this was something I kept putting off year after year after year. This is really unfortunate for me, as I am one who truly appreciates most of the history behind our hobby.
But oh well, right? We live….we learn…we endeavor to not repeat the errors of our ways.
Is there a silver lining in all this? As the news regarding Hara Arena began to surface on Twitter. I had to chuckle a the following tweet “Forget “no code” hams. We will soon complain about “no Hara” hams!” T-Shirts are already available to help drive this fact home.
Well…one thing is for sure. The 2017 Dayton Hamvention will most certainly be an event none of us will want to miss. While I may have missed out on being able to say I went to the Hamvention at Hara. I certainly don’t want to miss out on saying I attended the first Hamvention at the new venue.
Well I really didn’t intend to release two blog postings today. Again I wish I had lots of memories to share about Hara. But I’m sure many other amateur radio bloggers will fill in the gap soon enough.
I hope to see you in 2017 in Dayton at the Hamvention in the yet-to-be-disclosed location.
Until next time…
73 de Jerry (KDØBIK)
Did Yaesu miss the boat?
Unfortunately I was unable to attend the Dayton Hamvention this year. It was on my list of things to try to accomplish for 2012, but since I’m heading out west to Pacificon in October, I needed to save my pennies for that adventure. The Dayton Hamvention will be moved to my “things to accomplish list” for 2013.
As you may know from my recent blogging, I do own the brand new Elecraft KX3. I described this little rig in a recent podcast as “ultra-lite, ultra-portable, ultra-awesome” and the KX3 certainly lives up to all of these fine attributes. While I’ve owned my Yaesu FT-817 for about 4 years, I really love the larger display of the KX3 and of course all the updated features certainly don’t hurt either.
The Yaesu FT-817 was first released in 2001 and an updated FT-817ND model was made available in 2004. The 817 is based on the main circuit board design of its bigger and more powerful brothers, the FT-857 and FT-897.
As I stated, I purchased my 817 back in the 2008 timeframe and used it for portable operations and carried it along with me on hiking and backpacking trips. I became hooked on SOTA or Summits On The Air in the fall of 2011 and this became my main radio for that purpose.
While I’m perfectly happy with my KX3 and have already used it on one SOTA adventure, I was (like many) thinking, hoping, expecting, anticipating Yaesu to unveil it’s new QRP portable offering at the 2012 Dayton Hamvention. However, the Dayton Hamvention is over and there was no announcement or news of any kind from Yaesu regarding their future QRP/Portable offering. I’m wondering if the boat has sailed and left Yaesu high and dry?
With Elecraft announcing the KX3 at the 2011 Dayton Hamvention and opening the KX3 up for orders in late December 2011 and beginning to ship orders in the Spring of 2012, the 2012 Dayton Hamvention would be the perfect place to announce a new QRP offering from Yaesu. Well…that is if a new offering was planned.
Of course, Yaesu is big enough and perhaps powerful enough not to necessarily need to leverage an event like the Dayton Hamvention to announce a new QRP rig. Also, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the FT-817. While it may be over 10 years old, the old dinosaur is still kicking and screaming and loved in the QRP community. As I stated I do own one and I plan to keep it….for now!
So why do I even bring this up? Well I do have an interest in QRP operations and an updated offering from Yaesu would be great news for the hobby. However, I don’t view this as doom and gloom. I figure Yaesu will update their aging line of 817’s, 857’s and 897’s when they feel the time is right. However, I just wonder if that time is NOW!
Until next time…
73 de KDØBIK
Hamvention from afar…
I was unable to make it out to Dayton but am enjoying seeing the onsite action through various mediums:
(1) – live streaming. It has been a bit hit and miss on the quality and coverage, but the feed is quite popular and it is a lot of fun seeing all the hams walking around the outdoor market. Lots of hams in front of the live feed cam seem to stand there, stare at the camera, and call home (or a buddy) to have them get on the website to see them on the live feed. At certain times the live feed appears to be an actual video version of The best part about amateur radio is the people and it is always great to see what an amazing variety of folks who share a common interest.
(2) Jeff, KE9V, is on the grounds of the Hara Arena and is frequently Tweeting and posting pictures. Jeff had an interesting picture of a vendor called Horse Fence Antennas. The product appears to be a dipole antenna that is built into what we in the Army call a cargo strap. The antenna looks a bit bizzare, but the eHam reviews are 5.0.
(3) D-STARS! I have not hooked up my DVAP and IC-92AD since I returned for Korea, but did so yesterday so I could monitor REF038C. Lots of great hamvention chatter on the reflector.
(4) I am going to look for any HF stations operating from the Hamvention. Often W1AW will setup up a special event station – those are always fun to work.
Hopefully I will be able to go next year…. 2013, Dayton or bust!