See if you can identify this mystery interference….
Well over here at VE3WDM I have had a type of mystery interference that shows up now and then check out the Youtube video below and see if you can identify it. Oh and as a sideline I have searched the internet for examples of interference and anomalies such as AC line noise, Static crashes and birdies to name a few and have not been able to find anything!! Maybe someone could put up on Youtube examples of gremlins we hams may run across. Anyway post your ideas as to what this is..............
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].
Could it be HAARP? What frequency is it?
It’s odd that it is scrolling across (covering that freq. range).
What freq. range are you cover on the screen?
Try watching for it and writing down the dates and times. See if it happens at the same time (on the days it does happen). See if you can get how much time has passed between occurrences (24 hours maybe).
I am thinking it might be something passing over head (satellite, Sun(spots), Moon, moon skip?).
Since the thickness of the atmosphere changes with the angle from you to something orbiting the earth the freq. might change.
On a lighter side it might just be aliens.
Good luck finding out. Please keep us posted would love to hear what the answer is.
After doing some research I think n9mvi might be right.
Have a look at this;
Good afternoon N9MVI, I’m not sure it could be harp as Tommy said and it true the signal scrolls across the band.
Hello Tommy, the band width set at 100khz and if is not on all bands at the same time. I can see it for example on 10m’s but on 20m or 40m there is nothing. It only shows up on a particular band at one time. It’s a great idea to jot down the times and date. I am going to do that and see what happens.
Have a good weekend Tommy.