Return to 6m
Just after midday local time I returned to 6m having switched off last night. So far, only G4IKZ (18km) is spotting me on WSPR and at excellent strength (+10/+11 dB S/N despite cross-polarisaton). No Es (yet) and no GDX (yet) but there is a lot of time today still to come.
UPDATE 1542z: Just spots all afternoon from G4IKZ and no-one else so far.
UPDATE 1800z: CN8LI (2113km) and I have exchanged WSPR spots 7 times since 1604z, many at great strength again. Es I assume although this propagation is almost predictable! No EAs active on WSPR so if multi-hop Es I shall never know.
Again there is a distinct lack of east coast USA stations, so any E-W multi-hop Es events across the Atlantic will go unnoticed on 6m WSPR today. A crying shame. East coast USA WSPR stations – where are you? We need YOU on and active!
UPDATE 1808z: First Es in the other direction today – OH5MD (1757km) has spotted my 1W ERP at 1800z.