LHS Episode #100: The Centennial
Hello, everyone. This is the 100th installment of Linux in the Ham Shack. Some may have doubted that we would ever get this far. Some may be delighted. Some may be dismayed. Whatever feelings you may have on the matter, we have arrived. Please be advised that there is little in the way of Linux and/or Ham Radio content in this episode. It’s a bit more of a gab fest. That being said, we did have a couple of listeners on with us as guests, and everyone who joined us for the live event had a great time. The recording of this episode also coincided with Richard’s birthday, so if you haven’t already, feel free to wish him a happy belated birthday. Also in this episode is THE BIG BOMBSHELL. Word may have leaked out, but to some it will still be a surprise. Please take a moment to reminisce with us about our last 100 episodes, and we can’t wait to see what the next 100 will bring.
73 de The LHS Guys