Have fun on digimodes and win an antenna analyzer

The Annual Digifest will be held on the first full weekend of June (2012 dates are June 2nd and 3rd ). This will be Digifest’s 5th year. Its popularity is growing with more than 200 logs received last year.

A peculiarity of this Contest is the great variety of different categories of participants in five digital modes: RTTY 75, BPSK 63, MFSK 16, HELLSCHREIBERand OLIVIA. The points calculation is based on the distance between the stations.

The contest consists of 3 convenient periods (8 hours each) during the weekend. To add more excitement those who like competing in real time will be able to see their results on a server.

There are lots of nice prizes, mostly RigExpert AA-230 and AA-30 Antenna Analyzers and RigExpert USB Interfaces. All prizes sponsored by RigExpert Ukraine Ltd.

As the number of the participants is relatively small and the most populated competing area is Europe, stations from NA, SA, Africa, Asia and Australia are at a great advantage. Last year those stations were the most prize winners. To support growing participation from Europe the sponsors have doubled the prizes so separate main prizes are now offered both for Europe and the rest of the world.

For those won’t be able to win a main prize there will be a lot of small gifts like T-shirts and paper awards. All the prizes will be mailed to participants’ home addresses. The results are usually available just 2 weeks after the end of the Contest, So, lets meet on the first weekend of June and have fun!

Complete rules can be found at http://www.mixw.net/misc/DigiFest/index.html and http://www.rigexpert.com/index?s=main&f=digifest

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

3 Responses to “Have fun on digimodes and win an antenna analyzer”

  • Robert N4ZDU:

    This old man needs an antenna analyser and a radio to hook it up to! (I got some wire for an antenna)
    Please GOD send me a radio so I can get back on the air! the GOV social security wont let me buy one ,I miss 40/60 meters ,two meters just don”t cut it.
    I ain’t askin anyone but GOD so don’t get yer skivies in a knot!!
    Address ok in QRZ etc.
    N4ZDU (a poor old bastard)

  • Robert N4ZDU:

    I mean 40/80 meters

  • Robert N4ZDU:

    Still lookin! and a waitin , dont know if I even know how to turn on a radio anymore,been a while! hi hi found an old 01A tube in junk box maybe can build a rig outa that?
    73 cultr
    zdu off and clear!

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