Genesis Q5 1W QRP kit from Australia
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A trawl of the internet earlier found this kit, a 1W QRP transmitter for any band from 3.5MHz to 14MHz. It is available for S19.95 (US Dollars) + S9 (US Dollars) shipped anywhere worldwide. That seems pretty good value. Also on the website are SDR transceivers.
I last showed this particular kit on my blog 5 years ago.
See for more details including how to order the various kits. Details on the page include parts lists, schematics and building details.
The are some pretty good SDR transceivers on this site.
Thanks sir for the link, but am I the only one who is having a hard time figuring out if I can even buy one of these devices? The main page of the site takes me to the ordering page and then all I see is their G59 SDR. From the page you posted there’s a lot of kits listed at the top, but every order link just takes me to the G59 page.
Do you know anybody in this company sir to see what they’re actually selling?
Thank you for the post. I’d love to get my hands on one of these little G5 radios. The Youtube videos for it are very cool indeed.
I know Bruce Greenleaf KF1Z sells the Genesis G59 SDR transceiver but not sure about their other kits.
Yeah, this is vapor-ware. I can’t find a way to order either the Q5 or the companion LPC5 low-pass filter kit.