First 12m contact in a long time

Grand Cayman (photo by NASA)

On Wednesday I was working from home and took a little time on the K3 during a break.  On 15m I heard a strong signal from ZF2UL who was making North American contacts one after the other.  Bob, ZF2UL, then said they were going on to the 12m band and gave the frequency they were QSYing to.  I followed and continued listening.  After a short run of QSOs there was a brief hiatus in the replies to “QRZ?”, at which point I called with my 10W on SSB.  I soon obtained a reply and a 55 report and my first contact with Grand Cayman was logged.

Good to see the higher frequency HF bands are opening up more regularly. It has been a long time since I made a contact on 12m.

Alan Steele, VA3STL, is a regular contributor to and writes from Ottawa, Ontario. Contact him at [email protected].

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