Archive for the ‘Videoblogging’ Category
Long Duration M-Class Flare, and More (Livestream)
This livestream recording is from September 1, 2024 – the NW7US Radio Communications Channel Livestream. We do this livestream every Sunday at 21:15 UTC. Here is the link to the livestream from this past Sunday:
The livestream list is here:
I hope to see you in our livestream live chat, during the next session on Sunday, at 21:15 UTC. See you there!
Livestream: Space WX, Propagation, Amateur Radio – Sundays
Exploring Shortwave Radio Signals: A Peek into Non-Local Communications
Curious about what you can hear on shortwave ham radio? This video is a brief survey of the diverse world of communications on the shortwave spectrum. Expand your radio horizons and enhance your emergency communication preparedness by tuning in to the world of shortwave ham radio.
If you’ve started delving into radio communications beyond local stations and channels, like VHF and UHF, you’re in for a treat. Shortwave radio opens up a whole new realm of signals to explore, including emergency communications vital during natural disasters.
Shortwave radio covers a range of radio frequencies from 3 kHz to 30 MHz. This spectrum is home to a diverse array of radio signals that cater to various communication needs, making it a hub of activity and connectivity.
Within these high frequencies, you can tune in to a multitude of transmissions, from transoceanic air traffic control communications to the chatter of ships navigating the vast seas. Imagine hearing the voices of fishermen, much like those on your favorite reality TV shows about high-seas fishing adventures, along with military communications and the vibrant world of amateur radio enthusiasts.
One of the remarkable features of high-frequency (HF) radio is its ability to propagate signals over long distances, transcending line-of-sight limitations. This means that HF radio enables communication between different regions and even continents, fostering connectivity across vast distances.
During times of crisis and natural disasters, shortwave frequencies become invaluable for emergency communications. When local infrastructure falters or is disrupted, shortwave radio serves as a vital lifeline, facilitating critical two-way communications in and out of disaster-stricken areas.
Explore the fascinating realm of shortwave radio, where distant voices blend with essential information, bridging gaps and connecting communities in times of need. Uncover the power of HF radio to transcend boundaries and provide lifelines when they are needed most.
In this video, I give you a glimpse of the voice and data transmissions I pick up on my high-frequency amateur radio transceiver (in this video, an Icom IC-7000). In later videos, I will dive deeper into specific types of HF communications, such as aeronautical trans-oceanic signals.
New to Amateur Radio? What is a Repeater?
If you have not yet explored ham radio repeaters, this might be interesting to you.
What is an amateur radio repeater and how do they work?
In this video, with a non-amateur-radio viewer in mind, I chat about the very basic concepts of a repeater.
It is filmed in a relaxed, “ride along with me,” format.
Want to learn more about ham radio (amateur radio)?
24 December to 31 December: 1st Ever Winter Olivia Digital Mode QSO Party
Special Event Week: Dec 24-Dec 31, 2023
The 1st annual Olivia Digital Mode on HF Winter QSO Party, celebrating 20 years of Olivia.
The Olivia Digital DXers Club (we’re on ClubLog!) is holding the first annual Winter Olivia Digital Mode on HF QSO Party, starting at 00:00 UTC, 24 December 2023, and ending at 23:59 UTC, 31 December, 2023.
Minimum logging requirements: Callsign worked, Band (or Frequency), Mode (I.e., Olivia 8/250, or other variations), Time QSO Started. You can log more than that, but for the sake of the certificate, please send at least the minimum information per QSO, to NW7US (email is on QRZ profile). Logs can be any common method, from an .ADI file, to a screen shot.
Full details are on our website:
Olivia, a Multi-Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) radioteletype digital mode, is an amateur radioteletype protocol designed to work in difficult (low signal-to-noise ratio plus multipath) propagation conditions on shortwave radio (i.e., high-frequency, or HF) bands. The typical Olivia signal is decoded when the amplitude of the noise is over ten times that of the digital signal!
Here is an introduction to the Olivia digital mode:
73 de NW7US
Better Than FT8? Olivia Digital Chat Mode – Raleigh Amateur Radio Society Video
Olivia is the digital communications mode on shortwave (high frequency sub band, or, HF) for amateur radio operators who want more than the “Check Propagation” FT8 mode. This video is an introduction that was presented to the Raleigh Amateur Radio Society ( ) on December 12, 2023, presented by Tomas Hood, NW7US
Olivia information can be found, here:
Olivia, a Multi-Frequency Shift Keying (MFSK) radioteletype digital mode, is an amateur radioteletype protocol designed to work in difficult (low signal-to-noise ratio plus multipath) propagation conditions on shortwave radio (i.e., high-frequency, or HF) bands. The typical Olivia signal is decoded when the amplitude of the noise is over ten times that of the digital signal! It is commonly used by amateur radio operators to reliably transmit ASCII characters over noisy channels (slices of high-frequency spectrum — i.e., frequencies from 3 MHz to 30 MHz; HF) exhibiting significant fading and propagation phasing.
The Olivia digital modes are commonly referred to by the number of tones and the bandwidth used (in Hz). Therefore, it is common to express the Olivia digital mode as Olivia X/Y (or, alternatively, Olivia Y/X ), where X refers to the number of different audio tones transmitted, and Y refers to the bandwidth in Hertz over which these signals are spread. Examples of common Olivia modes are, 8/250 (meaning, 8 tones/250-Hertz bandwidth), 16/500, and, 32/1000.
The protocol was developed at the end of 2003 by Pawel Jalocha. The first on-the-air tests were performed by two radio amateurs, Fred OH/DK4ZC and Les VK2DSG, on the Europe-Australia propagation path in the 20-meter shortwave radio amateur band. The tests proved that the Olivia protocol (or, digital mode) works well and can allow regular intercontinental radio contacts with as little as one-watt RF power (when propagation is highly-favorable). Since 2005, Olivia has become a standard for digital data transfer under white noise, fading and multipath, flutter (polar path) and auroral conditions.
Olivia can perform nearly as good as the very popular WSJT mode, FT8, and better than FT4.
See you on the waterfall!
73 de NW7US
I Am Back After Life Distractions
The last three years have been, well, challenging.
In 2021, I became ill with Covid. That was rough, but I bounced back. That bout with illness caused me to lose my job, though, because I was ill too long. What is worse is because I was not hospitalized, I did not fall under the protections of “disability,” and had to step down from my employment at that time. After I recovered, I found employment.
In 2022, I again fell ill to a second Covid. That illness was significantly worse! I nearly WAS hospitalized, but I resisted this, and hung on by a thread. I made it through, though the illness lasted a lot longer the second time around. Because I was ill for about five months, I again had to step down from employment. This second Covid was the worst illness I have ever experienced, physically, emotionally, and financially. I am thankful for my friends and family that were very supportive.
After I recovered, I found employment in late 2022. It took a while for my health to stabilize, but the new job leadership has been supportive. I have been happily working at this new job since late 2022.
But, the challenge to recover was high. I sought answers.
In December 2022, I was diagnosed with Primary Hyperparathyroidism. Sure enough, the many tests I endured confirmed that I had more than one tumor in at least two of my four parathyroid glands (we each have four of them, because we’re given redundancy for this critical body part).

We each have four parathyroid glands. They are on the back side of the thyroid. The regulate the body’s calcium. Calcium is critical to all body functions and health.
I had surgery at the end of February 2023 to remove these tumor-riddled glands. The surgeon, once in my neck, found that THREE of my four glands were tumorous! He removed the three. I now have just one parathyroid gland.
Recovery has gone well. My health is improving nicely. It is like a switch was flipped, and I no longer have some of the debilitating symptoms like brain fog, extreme fatigue, and an out-of-control metabolism. I have a stable function of the remaining parathyroid gland, and that is supporting the proper function of the rest of my body. It is amazing how the whole body relies on these four glands for running correctly!
All of these challenges of the last few years caused enough distraction that my YouTube channel, and my writing, here, as well as other hobby activities, suffered my absence. Now that I am getting back on my feet with my health, and because my job continues nicely, I am beginning to spend some energy and time on these hobby areas. I plan on creating and releasing a few series on amateur radio, radio propagation, and space weather, on my YouTube channel. If you are already a subscriber, you probably saw my latest video where I announce that I am, indeed, back:
If there are topics that you would like me to cover in the new educational videos I am planning and will create, please let me know with a comment to this post, or, look my email address up on my profile at QRZdotCom. I will do my best to answer your questions and cover amateur radio and space weather topics in which you are interested.
If you are not yet familiar with my YouTube channel, you can find my channel here: — Please subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when I release new video content.
I will also post more often on this site. I appreciate the opportunity to share with you my love of amateur radio, and the science of propagation and space weather which affects our radio signals.
Best regards,
Tomas, NW7US