Anonymous is getting very smart!
Happy to be back from the vet's |

maybe 2 or 3 "anonymous" postings a week. Now let me clarify what I mean my anonymous......these are advertisers trying to post a comment on my blog but the main idea is to plug their biz with a link! Blogger has been excellent with the ability to discern between the real deal anonymous comment and the...let me take advantage of your blog and plug my biz anonymous comment. Over the last month I have noticed a large increase of anonymous comments (the take advantage type) trying to use my blog. Not sure why this blog can't be all that popular? I really don't care if they "try" to post their fake comments but what I have noticed is they must be getting smarter in how they word the comment. Blogger is not recognizing it as spam but seeing it as a legit comment. These past couple of weeks I have had to go through my comment section of blogger and delete comment posts that are just plain spam! Has anyone else had this issue? Or do you have suggestions on how to deal with this?
I have used WordPress for the back end behind sites I have built. it automatically installs a plugin called Askimet to filter out spam. It is quite effective!
Good evening Ben, I have looked into WordPress and I will admit I am more and more considering using it. Seems to me WordPress has a lot of things figured out. I also like the fact when you comment in a WordPress blog you can chose to get an email when your comment is answered. It’s a very nice program.
Thanks Ben for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I run into that same problem on my BLog, and going through and deleting 100’s of spam comments is how I like to spend my afternoon, and also takes away from my productivity.
Good morning Don, I just got some info on my blog and am going to use it. I am not allowing anonymous comments as well if the post if older than 10 day the comments will automatically be monitored for approval.
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