Amateur Radio Weekly – Issue 72

FreeDV QSO Party Weekend
The Amateur Radio Experimenters Group would like to invite all amateurs interested in HF digital voice communications to join us on the weekend of September 12th and 13th in a FreeDV Codec2 digital HF voice QSO Party!

Do not Digipeat via PCSAT
Although this is the correct frequency for APRS operation in IARU Region 2, it is not compatible with our Region 1 bandplan.

My Amateur Radio bucket list. What’s yours?
There is just so many possible things you can do within the hobby that it could possibly take a lifetime to achieve.

Chinese Amateur Radio Satellites set to launch in early September
The XW-2 series satellites are equipped with substantially identical Amateur Radio payloads — a U/V mode linear transponder, a CW telemetry beacon and an AX.25 19.2k/9.6k baud GMSK telemetry downlink.

Simplex, Duplex, Offset and Split
Simplex is a term that applies on all of the ham bands, because it is the simplest way to communicate. However, it is not the “opposite” of using a repeater.
Ham Radio School

What happened when I added a counterpoise to my HT
By adding a 1/4-wave counterpoise, you, in effect, turn the antenna into an off-center-fed, vertically polarized 1/2-wave dipole.

Facebook. What is it good for?
Notable Amateur Radio Facebook Groups.

DX from Bald Ledge
EA5GX Sergio in Spain was calling CQ and we made a quick contact. There was some QSB, but he gave me a 579. Finally, I heard LZ1GU in Bulgaria calling CQ. Harry was strong and he gave me a 569.

In Pacific islands, radio remains the most accessible news source
Newspapers are a luxury item. On average, each newspaper in the Pacific will be read by seven people, which helps explain why the daily paper’s print run is so low.
The Saturday Paper

How to

QRV from a new apartment
This mainly amounted to mounting and tuning my 20m hamstick and running cable to the radio. This doesn’t sound like much on paper but it was a lot more engineering than that.


Ham Radio fun with tropospheric ducting propagation
This is a sample of stations I worked or heard during a nice tropospheric ducting 2 meter band opening from my location in Albert Lea, Minnesota.

Homemade yagi antenna field test
I demonstrate some local QRM that I have been receiving there, check access to 4 distant repeaters (GB3SC, GB3JB, GB3WH and GB3VA), and have a nice QSO with Andy (G6TRW).

Amateur radio enthusiast contacts space station
We live in a world fascinated by space, but very rarely does the ordinary man reach up into the stars for a chat.

Amateur Radio Weekly is curated by Cale Mooth K4HCK. Sign up free to receive ham radio's most relevant news, projects, technology and events by e-mail each week at

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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