A Yaesu FT817 replacement coming?

From Steve G1KQH:

As its based around the 817, I guess rumour will be rife that it will soon be replaced?

Eligible FT-897D/DM/DS
June 2014 production end time

FT-897D series was popular for many years will be discontinued at last. (Successor model no immediate plans) will be limited stock. And as soon as possible please the person of your choice


73 Steve


Does this mean a replacement for the FT817 is coming?  We can only hope Yaesu will do the FT817 replacement as their next product.  For the life of me I cannot understand why they have not replaced it 2 years ago on the UP part of the solar cycle.  Here we are now on the slide to a probable quiet few cycles. Not the best time to launch a new all-mode transceiver unless they plan to add some VHF/UHF bands like 70 and 1296MHz?  That would be nice. Personally, I’d buy it if it covered 10m-23cms. That would be a CLASS selection of bands especially for Es (10, 6, 4 and 2m). 70cms and 1296MHz would be good for tropo. As a multi-mode mainly VHF/UHF transceiver with 10m thrown it, it would be a neat new radio with a good market worldwide.

Roger Lapthorn, G3XBM, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cambridge, England.

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