Who Needs Sunspots
I read that July 18th was the first day without sunspots since sometime in 2012. That's not a good sign for sure. I'm definitely not a solar expert, but I do know that zero sunspots is bad for propagation. That said, last night I worked VK5CZ at 0124z on 15m operating QRP from a summit in Australia.Then this morning I worked GW0PEB/P on 15m from a summit in Wales and a couple minutes later snagged HB9BCB/p on 17m from a summit in Switzerland. Not bad for having a spotless sun. Who needs them anyway?
Just in case, let's hope a few show up:-)
Mike Crownover, AD5A, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Texas, USA. Contact him at [email protected].Just in case, let's hope a few show up:-)
Hi Mike
I agree with you.Last Night 1600 UTC I have worked many NA and EU Stations with good reports.its best just have a listen on the Bands and try CQ hi.hope work u some day.