Ultimate 3 kit build

I thought my hands and eyes were good enough to make a start on this kit, which I have only just unpacked, having had it for months. I was waiting until I was less clumsy. When built, this will make a really useful WSPR beacon.

The packing is wrong as I had asked for a GPS module, which is missing, but there is a surplus relay board in the box.  I was very careful unpacking the kit. and have left in packets those parts not yet needed. Some are anti-static.

Sadly, my eyes and hands are not really good enough: I started on the 10m LPF PCB and, frankly, this was a real struggle both for my eyes and hands. Tomorrow I shall test this with my generator and 50 ohm load.

Two people have very kindly offered their help building the kit. I fear I shall have to admit defeat and ask them to help me. This is a great pity as I was so hoping I’d be fit enough to build this. Sadly, this seems unlikely any time soon.  My stroke is taking its toll on my abilities. WSPR is OK, but I am struggling with building still.  Talking in tonight’s contest will be hard.

Roger Lapthorn, G3XBM, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from Cambridge, England.

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