Ultimate 3 beacon – still unable to build it
I am still far too clumsy to build this kit. This morning I was going to start on the LPF but I am still far too wobbly and clumsy to do it. Before my brain bleed this would have been a piece of cake, but today it is too much for me. Damn. I shall wait another month to see if I feel better. Blogging and WSPR I can manage. Talking in contests is hard work, but I can just about manage it for short periods.
Maybe I have to conclude it is too much for me and call on the help to build and test the unit so kindly offered? I did check the full pack and the GPS module is definitely not there but a surplus relay board is. I shall have to contact Hans Summers and return the unwanted PCB and request the GPS module that I paid for but that has not been delivered. It is some months since the bits came. I resisted opening the package until I thought I could build it. I photographed the opening and was very careful.
On reflection, I wonder how much they would have charged to build and test the unit for me?
I hate being unable to do this sort of thing: it feels like I am past it. Please no.
Getting old sucks. Not keeping up with current technology sucks even more. Like you I’m a mite past my prime- I now have two sets of bifocals one for computer and close up work and the other for driving/general work. The meds I take for my brain damage would make most people think I’ve got the beginning stages of Parkinsons- the odd’s of doing SMT correctly is close to zero. So don’t feel bad you’re not the only one in the boat.
Well I am old too 67. The good thing is the FCC will now upgrade me back to extra. That is right I bring my expired extra with my new general [2+yrs old] and $15.00 and like magic back to where I was back in 1980 something! Then I can operate in the lower part of 40,20 and 15. Then maybe buy a vibroplex, gold plated, and practice rotten cw, maybe a little cut cw too. Give them code reader and keyboard boys something to scratch their heads about. Yes being old you can do those kinds of things, nobody cares just an old codger on cw, kinda like Mr. McGoo only on cw!
I didn’t realize there were so many of us with TBI issues. Picked mine up in Laos and the VA hasn’t been of much help. Keep on trying, I’m going to try a little QRP rig from MFJ, as soon as I get my new glasses. At 67, retirement isn’t working out as I planned. Good luck to all, my thoughts are with you.
de NL7X