uBITX now on back order.

The uBITX kit as I predicted, proved so successful when it went on sale on Saturday 9th December, by Monday 11th, Asharr Farhan was telling us all on the BITX20 group, current stock of the first uBITX production run was exhausted!

Demand has just outstripped supply, by what the thinking was there was enough stock to last for 2 months?

Anyone ordering the uBITX now, will not get shipped until after at least the 25th December. This is now being flagged up when you come to order.

Did the uBITX  become more successful overnight than the ICOM IC-7300, did it sell more in it's first days of sale? Or does it say to the main three radio manufacturers, you missed a market for a plain no bells and whistles multiband radio that everyone can afford and muck into and understand?

One thing for certain Asharr Farhan has proved without a doubt that he has been the first to achieve and do this, putting into mass production a multiband rig at a price point that everyone can be part of and enjoy! I am sure as well as the uBITX there is a lot more to come from HF Signals in the future!

Well done VU2ESE!

Steve, G1KQH, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from England. Contact him at [email protected].

3 Responses to “uBITX now on back order.”

  • Robert Sherwood NC0B:

    It is unfortunate this transceiver doesn’t go down to 450 kHz to include one of our new ham bands. Missed the boat, and likely could be fixed in software. What is the harmonic attenuation?

  • Maciek SQ5G:

    Just ordered one and I can`t wait till i get my hands on it. Modding and bouilding BitX40 was great fun. Just like in the old days when I started my first radio projects when i was in school. UBitx will certainly be more fun to take in field with me.

  • Paul ZS2OE:

    Ashhar is proving just how effective small industry can be as disrupters of the brand giants out there, and he is rightfully getting admiration from every corner. Putting the hands-on back into ham radio and converting a lot of us from end-users to experimenters and innovators. Be less concerned about what it doesn’t have features-wise (or add them yourself) and more aware of what it is doing for you and the spirit of your hobby !

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