Posts Tagged ‘Support’
LHS Episode #045: Logbook of the World
Episode #043 of Linux in the Ham Shack almost didn’t exist. In the process of trying to edit the audio for the program, I managed to delete everything that I had recorded. By some miracle of coincidence, I actually remembered to record the entire episode at Ustream.TV. I almost never remember to do that but it happened this time. The audio was recovered from the live video stream and I put it back together. There are a couple of minor flaws and the quality might not be as good as normal but at least it exists. Since the edited version came out to over 100 minutes, I’d sure have hated to try and record this all over again. And that’s why this episode almost didn’t exist: Because if the audio had truly gone away, I would have thrown up my hands and said forget it. We’ll try again in two weeks.
But since we got lucky, you can now listen to us talk about our newest features and endeavors, our problems with the ARRL, the status of Logbook of the World, listener feedback, live chat room discussion, installing Linux Mint on an ancient laptop, ham radio software for [that other OS] and much, much more. And hey: Go buy a shirt. Please?
73 de The LHS Guys