Posts Tagged ‘PARP Plus’

PARP News – Episode 59 and Transcripts

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It’s been a while since I posted any new news regarding the Practical Amateur Radio Podcast (PARP).  However, I did want to pass along two points of interest.  First, PARP 59 was released yesterday.  PARP 59 is titled “The Well Equipped Ham Shack”.  In this episode I share some thoughts on items to consider other than the usual transceiver, tuner etc. 

Second, I received an email yesterday from a fellow ham who just discovered PARP.  He introduced himself and explained he was hearing impaired and asked if written transcripts were available.  He was aware of the quality of content in my PARP episodes but is unable to listen to my audio podcasts. 

Some may know that I prepare a written script which I read from for each of my shows content.  I do this for several reasons.  One, I believe those who can sit down in front of a microphone and just begin talking without stumbling, stammering, inserting hmmmms and ahhhhhs truly have a gift.  I’m not one of these individuals and I’m OK with that.

Second, while I understand the content I discuss…..I try very hard to ensure what I put out for my listeners is accurate.  Yes…sometimes I make a mistake…but after all I’m only human.  For me, writing out a script just helps make sure I have all the information I need to communicate already available to me in the script.  Since I already have the written script I use to record my audio podcasts, it was really simple to fulfill the request for a transcript. 

Going forward, each regular monthly PARP episode as well as the weekly PARP Plus editions will include a link in the show notes to a downloadable transcript in Adobe PDF format.  Just visit and view the show notes.  You’ll see a link labeled “Transcript”.  I’ve also linked all regular monthly PARP episodes recorded in 2012 and 2011 with their transcript.  I’m working on 2010 and 2009 as I have time.  Unfortunately, I can only go back to episode 16 as the first 15 scripts have disappeared.

I hope you’ll help me share this news with any of our fellow hearing impaired hams you may know. 

Thank you for your time.

Until next time…

73 de KDØBIK

Introducing the PARP Plus Weekly Edition

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A new weekly audio edition of the Practical Amateur Radio Podcast, called PARP Plus is now available.  PARP Plus will feature a rundown of all the amateur radio happenings taking place on the bands for the upcoming week and weekend.  If you enjoy working special event stations, contests, dxpeditions…but just don’t have time to track down what is taking place and where, then I believe PARP Plus will help you.

If you have 15 minutes each week to listen to the podcast, I’ll run through all you need to know for all the on-air activities taking place in the week ahead.
Each weekly PARP – Plus Edition will release on Monday evening around 0000z and will cover the week/weekend ahead. Just listen and make note of the various special events, contests, dxpeditions, hamfests etc. that I discuss…then just work them.

You’ll still get your BIG PARP episode each month. PARP 56 will be available in June, just before Field Day.

I hope this new weekly format helps you. I also plan to mix in other content from time to time. So please download and listen. If you are already receiving PARP, you’ll get PARP – Plus the same way.

PARP Plus, episode 001 covering the week of May 22 through May 28 is available now at

73 de KDØBIK

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