Posts Tagged ‘magazines’

Amateur Radio for October 2010 arrived

Amateur Radio magazine for October 2010

Amateur Radio magazine for October 2010

Highlights from this month’s edition of Amateur Radio, published by the Wireless Institute of Australia include:

Commentary from WIA President Michael Owen VK3KI on the crucial role of the ITU, the global agency that sets the framework – regulations and frequency allocations – for hams wherever they live.

“Simply, it will not happen, whether it is good or bad, unless it happens first at the ITU.”

That simple proposition drives the whole four year planning process that culminates in a four week meeting in Geneva – WRC-12. Michael details the complex rounds of regional meetings and negotiations that lead up to that meeting.

“…this now never-ending series of meetings… Represents the focus of the protection and advancement of the interests of amateurs that face national societies like the WIA.”

The WIA's 'Tune-in to the World' logo

There’s also detail of the inaugural national day of amateur radio promotion aka the WIA National Field Day scheduled for Saturday 23 October. Professional marketing strategy has arrived to help lift public awareness of ham radio and recruitment to new levels. The article describes a range of merchandise related to the event as well as pointers to files to be used to print professionally designed signage for the day.

WIA clothing for the first National Field Day

WIA clothing for the first National Field Day

There’s a report of the breaking of the national record for 47 GHz – 58 km. A wok lid held up one end of the successful attempt!

Paul McMahon VK3DIP presents the second part of his ‘Generic PC interface for the amateur experimenter’ with the focus on how to use the unit. This project was described in an earlier post.

There are reports and photos from the recent ILLW and an update on the growing amateur activity in Australia on 137 kHz and 500 kHz and info about this month’s JOTA, Jamboree of the Air 15-17 October.

October WorldRadio Online highlights

The October edition of WorldRadio Online magazine is available now.

Highlights include:

* An End-Fed Dipole That’s Easy to Build and Great for the Field – a trail-friendly design inspired by Kurt N. Sterba’s Aerials column in the August edition of WorldRadio Online, where four stacked F114-61A toroids are the secret weapon along with one-quarter wave of RG-174U coax…

* Seeing What Others Are Hearing: A DX Cluster Primer – How to tap into the information flowing through the DX Cluster network

* Radio & Relaxation = The Great Family Vacation – One ham’s adventures combining radio fun with family holidays.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor

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