Posts Tagged ‘ic7300’
Probably the best commercial radio available to radio amateurs currently is the IC7300. However, its price is still set by market forces: it could still be profitable at a much lower selling price.
Whether prices drop depends on many factors, but there is no doubt that the price is what it is largely because people are still prepared to buy at this price. If the dealers can still make a killing why would they reduce prices? Also, currently there is no real competition.
ICOM IC7300 – Time for a price drop?
Much to my surprise the price has still to fall, although there are “cracks”: some are now offering the rig with free gifts.
Personally, I can wait. It is a good rig, but to my mind, the dealers have had a very good time and very good profits.
Now is the time to drop the price. Sub £1000 (~$1,300) please – soon.
ICOM IC7300 – still made in Japan
It looks from the pictures on the MLS site that this new radio is still made in Japan although the fan on the back says “Made in China”. One wonders when one of the big Japanese manufacturers will design in Japan but make the radios in China? This would certainly be less expensive. At some point, the high Japanese manufacturing costs will bankrupt one of the big three. It is a case of who jumps first.
With decent volumes of the same design, the manufacture of Japanese designed radios in China makes some sense. Just wait until we see a quality amateur radio product both designed and made in China. It will happen. Then Kenwood, ICOM and Yaesu will be seriously undercut and worried. Why do so many products say “Made in China”? Manufacturing costs are much lower than Japan.
This image is located on the MLS website and not on this blog. |
More on the IC7300
There is a little more on this new ICOM radio on the MLS website. Deliveries are expected “in early 2016” with a UK (initial?) price of “under £1000”. I shall wait.
IC7300 – not yet?
The IC7300 is being actively “pre-sold” with UK dealers asking people to part with £50 deposits to secure these transceivers when they become available. I don’t think any have shipped yet and I suspect it will be late spring before they appear in the UK. |
The price will drop once the dealers have creamed good profits from those who must have the rig at any price – the early adopters. Really I would like the 10W version which would be a class QRP rig. This would be even better than the IC703.
It is quite likely that the early sets will have some software or hardware issues which will be corrected on later models sold.
Of all the products around, it looks the most attractive and I like the SDR architecture. Let’s hope the ball grid arrays are soldered well! From bitter experience I know this can be a nightmare tweeking the process. I can wait.
ICOM America has more information on this transceiver.
RadCom and the IC7300
My RadCom arrived by post today. Unlike in the recent edition of PW, the advertisers were publishing details of the new ICOM radio and were keen to take deposits. Perhaps they have got later data? I quite like the look of the new IC7300 radio, but feel the price will soon fall to £799 or less. I can wait. I may wait to see what the FT817 replacement looks like. A 5W (or maybe 10W) radio would suit my needs better.
The latest RadCom has a review of ICOMs latest flagship radio, the IC7851, selling for around £9000. Does anyone really spend this sort of money on amateur radio gear? With PSU, tower, big beam and big rotator this implies over £10000 on amateur gear. I suppose some people must spend this sort of money. My FT817 has served me for over 14 years now. To me, this was an investment and I had to give it careful thought. I wonder how many XYLs are happy for their husbands to spend over £10000 on a hobby?
Each to their own. If you really have that kind of disposable income how you spend it is your decision.
ICOM IC7300 in RadCom?
My new copy of RadCom is due towards the end of next week. I wonder, if as in PW, there will be a “tight lipped” policy as appears to be the case for all advertising in PW a few weeks ago? You can almost hear ICOM saying, “do NOT sell the IC7300, as this is for NEXT year, if at all”.
Certainly the UK selling price of the Yaesu FT991 has, as predicted, dropped some way. This will go lower still in the months ahead. If the IC7300 has had to be delayed (software issue maybe, or are they afraid the lack of 2m/70cm will be a problem, or is there a major design issue, or are they worried about the selling price versus the Yaesu FT991?) this would be a great shame.
I was expecting to see this in the UK by Christmas and selling for less than the FT991. I now have my doubts. The next RadCom may give us some clues.
See .