Posts Tagged ‘Building Stuff’
I have published a page on my Frankenrotator project, a cheap homebrew azimuth and elevation rotation system using a Yaesu rotator mated with a Radio Shack TV rotator. The brain of the unit is an Arduino Mega and complete schematics are provided.
The project illustrates how to build a power supply for both DC and AC rotators, replacing commercial rotator controllers. The main control unit powers and controls both rotators and interfaces to a computer using the Arduino native USB port. Logging and control programs command the system via Yaesu GS-232B emulation. The project also demonstrates the use of a remote slave microcontroller. A small waterproof box located at the rotator senses azimuth and elevation. The remote microcontroller is periodically queried by the master unit via a serial link.
I still have to build some antennas to rotate with this system, which I hope to complete before winter sets in here in Pennsylvania. Hopefully I’ll get to chase some satellites in between ice fishing!