Posts Tagged ‘Anniversary’
My Four Year Anniversary
Today, 14 August marks my 4th year as a licensed amateur radio operator. I’ve done a lot in the hobby since getting my ticket and I look forward to each and every anniversary of not only having fun but also learning.
As I have shared many times, amateur radio has always been in my life. Yes, this is me as a young child (circa 1969-70) sitting down and pretending to talk on my Uncle’s ham station. During the early 80’s I tried very hard to learn CW while fitting everything else in that a young teenage boy does in those years. Simply put…I failed! Between school, work, cars and girls….I failed to do what many have done. Of course what I realize now (some 40 years after that photo was made) that the issues I experienced in trying to learn CW as a teenager is a lot of what I’m going through with earning my extra ticket. I get serious about it (as I am now) and life throws me a curve and I have to shift priorities and by the time I get back around I’ve forgotten more of what I learned. I’ve recently picked up the studies and my focus to finish this time is very strong.
Like I said, I’ve been licensed 4 years today and during this time, I’ve done a lot in the hobby and arguably perhaps too much at times, as I’ve often had to admit to myself that I was trying to catch up for lost time. Regardless, I have very few regrets as I’ve always tried to follow the guidelines spelled out in the Radio Amateur’s Code and I have the most supportive wife who understands the importance of hobbies and the need to serve our communities.
While one might not believe an adult can “grow and develop” any further just from a hobby, they probably don’t know anything about amateur radio. Regardless if it is discovering a new mode, learning something you didn’t know or working a new DX station, the hobby has given back to me in so many ways.
I’ve met so many incredible people through this hobby, and many of you I consider very dear friends. While some of you I’ve never met face to face, the help you’ve given me along with the knowledge we’ve shared and the friendship you’ve shown is perhaps my biggest accomplishment in the hobby.
My goals for the future are to strive to continue to learn, have fun and continue to build the friendships I have today and develop brand new ones along the way. I know of no other hobby which opens the doors, knocks down the walls and creates friendships across nations like amateur radio. I’m truly proud to be a part of this incredible fraternity of nation builders.
Thank you for allowing me to share my fourth year anniversary with all of you.
73 de KD0BIK