Series Seven Episode Six – Return to Antarctica Mike Gloistein GM0HCQ / VP8CMH/MM (23 March 2014)
Series Seven Episode Six of the ICQ Amateur / Ham Radio Podcast has been released. The latest news, Martin (M1MRB) and Colin (M6BOY) discuss making representation of Amateur radio and Martin (M1MRB) and Chris Howard (M0TCH) interview Gloistein GM0HCQ / VP8CMH/MM about his work in Antarctica.
- OSCAR-11 / UOSAT-2 celebrates 30 years in orbit
- Maplin put up for sale
- Transatlantic 29 kHz VLF transmission
- Amateur Radio Beacon and Repeater renewal 2014-2017
- Pi Slow Scan TV wins 'Make' contest
- Canadian Exam update
- Delaware State Police and ARES Group join forces
- Ham radio operators provide serious public service
- Ham radio satellite operation from Isle of Lewis
- New energy-efficient lights can wipe out radio
- New frequencies for French radio hams