Nano-40 schematic

I didn’t plan to produce a schematic of the Nano-40, the tiny 40m CW transceiver I built based on Roger G3XBM’s 80m XBM80-2 design as modified by Alan VK2ZAY as I don’t claim any originality for the circuit. I provided the original sources and discussed the changes I made to the circuit and thought that other builders would follow the same path.

However I have been asked by a couple of people already if I could provide a schematic so I have patched a copy of the circuit diagram produced by Alan to show what I ended up with. I hope that will keep everyone happy, but please remember that without Roger G3XBM’s genius and Alan VK2ZAY’s improvements the Nano-40 would never have happened.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

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