Making my position clear
Observant readers may have noticed a change in the “strapline” in the header logo of my blog. It now reads “My position on amateur radio.”
The new strapline reflects more accurately what the blog is currently about. If you haven’t already realized, it is also a play on words. “My position” alludes to my present interest in APRS which is the subject of many of my postings. But it also makes it clear that this is an opinion blog; that I use this blog to express my thoughts on various ham radio related matters, to give my point of view without any obligation on my part for that view to be fair, balanced or uncontroversial.
So don’t expect any changes to the content, other than a gradual evolution as my interests move from one thing to another. I expect that I will still occasionally write on topics related to stealth ham radio operation, but I feel I have probably pushed things about as far as they can go in my present situation. Now it’s just a matter of waiting and hoping that I don’t experience the Final QRN that puts paid to my radio activities for good.