Do two wrongs make a right…..

  Last night while on the radio searching out once again T32C my PowerSDR showed a pileup off the T32C frequency. Well over I went and sure enough it was a pile up but not for T32C it seemed to be for 3XY1D in Guinea. Hmm I thought never worked that part of the world so maybe I will give it a go. Then out of nowhere came (in CW) "phoney" very loud and over all the traffic. But not just once..... every 10 to 15 seconds!! Then in  CW came a response "NO" to which the reply was "yes phoney".  This ruined it for me as I would guess many others. Now the call did sound funny but I looked up the call and there is a DXpedition there for October and November. As I QSY'd along the band never finding T32C but possibly finding 3XY1D. I had not been given a chance to work him because of an operator who some how was given the "DXpedition gold enforcement badge". What is operator pretending (maybe) to be someone they are not just for the joy of forming a operator who deliberately (for sure) transmits over others knowing he is doing so....or both? Two wrongs don't make a right!

Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

4 Responses to “Do two wrongs make a right…..”

  • Don N4KC:

    Mike, 3XY1D is indeed a dxpedition and they have had nice signals to North America the last couple of nights. This could have been a “phoney”–what we old-timers call a “Slim,” for reasons that escape me–but it could have been the real thing, too. When in doubt, I work them, then check the online logs later, if such are available, to see if I was in there.

    Rather than QRM a guy if he is a suspected “Slim,” it seems the best way to rat him out is spot him as such on the DX clusters.


    Don N4KC

  • Hi Don, I agree with you and if it was a “slim” either work them or move on. Thanks for stopping by.

  • Fred W0FMS:

    Yup, what’s worse, a pirate or someone who intentionally jams and then doesn’t identify? One is maybe bogus and sad at best, the other is legally an act of war in some cases. You be the judge.

    For all of you “cops” out there — think!

    Fred W0FMS

  • Good evening Fred and very nicely said, thanks for stopping by.

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