Check out the sunspots!

Just before the 4th of July, several sunspot regions rotated into view. Today, they are significant players in elevating the solar output of Extreme Ultraviolet energy — the energy helpful in ionizing the F-region of our Earth’s ionosphere. That, in turn, means better propagation conditions, even on higher shortwave frequencies.

SDO HMI Intensitygram 2014-July-05

As seen by the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Sun is sporting quite a few sunspots, today. These are helping elevate the 10.7-cm flux, which is a proxy for solar output that strengthens the ionospheric propagation of higher frequencies in the shortwave spectrum. Expect good conditions on HF, this weekend.

73 and best DX!

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2 Responses to “Check out the sunspots!”

  • Peter kg5wy:

    Well, I hope things improve, because my reception/propagation has been bad in Texas.

  • Scott, W9MBL:

    This weekend was a marked improvement in the 10m band for me in Wisconsin. I’m new to the hobby (March, 2014), so I had only one 10m contact prior to this weekend. I’ve added 11 since Friday, so I hope it continues — at least for a few more days so I can make contact with two more 10-10 members for my application! 😉

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