Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Do you want a treat? Some “eye candy”? Some really beautiful workmanship and craftsmanship? Do you want to see what really excellent home brewing looks like?
All I can say is “Wow, I wish I could build stuff that looks this good!”
72 de Larry W2LJ
QRP – When you care to send the very least!
Another top-notch homebrewer and lover of CW is Don Huff, W6JL. Go to his page and enjoy his craftsmanship! Stunningly beautiful work! He’s quite active on 40m CW in the morning around 7:30 PT.
My last big homebrew project was 60 years ago, constructing a 1 KW xmtr from mostly war surplus parts. The 304TL finals cost $4.50 then (similar to 4-500A’s, I believe). It was my high school senior-year science project.