More QRP again

My daily routine, I start my day with CW on 14060 KHz. I listen for for activity. The last few days I worked OH9XX/P on 20m, I was using 5 watts. Yesterday UA2FAI, I was using 1 watt. Also worked RG3R with 1 watt but with JT9 on 10m. Of course all with the Yaesu FT817 and my end fed wire. Today we have nice spring weather. Sunny but a little cold about 1,5 C now at the moment. Yesterday also good results with WSPR into the USA with 500mW on 10m.

0,5 W on 20 meter WSPR

It seems to be that propagation is fair. So I tried 0,5 Watts on 20 meter today with WSPR. I show only reports above 2000 km.

0,5 W on 10 meter

I was happy that WA6JRW from California spotted me with 0,5 watt. That's 8875 km.

Sri Lanka

It was early (06:21) in the morning, but I tried 10 meter checking for activity. I only heard 1 CW station; not very strong but finally I could decode the signal 4S7LXG Sri Lanka. A new DXCC, so I tried my luck. Yes, after a few calls he replied to me. That’s DXCC number 132.

WSPR 10 meter

WSPR today on 10 meter, 5 watts, end fed antenna.

Brazil with QRP

Saturday is always a busy day for me. Hardly any time for radio. But I tried JT9 on 10 meter; the first station I heard was PY5EJ. I called him with 5 watts and he replied to me. I was hard because I had a lot of QRM of strong European stations. I moved up a little higher, so we could finish the QSO.

10 meter again

First I received only PA4PS. He must have a good antenna I suppose. Suddenly propagation was very good. VK6XLR was rolling in with 10 watts (40dB) with report -20 dB. In return he reported me with -23 dB. Almost a QSO. Hi. Today I am using WSPRX-2 see what the results are today.

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor