Rainy Days

Yesterday and today we had a lot of rain. It's the end of an early warm spring since March. Now it's a lot cooler. Rain always affects my antenna performance. I ran WSPR today on 10 meter, but no spots at all.

I placed a new widget on my blog at the end (Footer): The QRZ Log - the latest 15 QSO's. I saw it first on John's blog (N8ZYA). I made one QSO this afternoon on 40 meter with G0RWL with PSK31.

Nice surprise at 17:16 GMT PY2RN spotted me on 10 meter with WSPR.

WSPR 10m

WSPR results on 10 m with 5 Watt this morning.

WSPR 20 meter

WSPR on 20m tonight. 5 watts and my end fed wire.


I have new neighbours and I am afraid they have PLC internet. I have to found out if that's the case. As you can hear its a terrible QRM on 10 meter band last Sunday afternoon.

Friday I did hear JA4FKX/QRP on 14060 KHz. Very good signal here, but no takers. I tried to call him but he could not hear me, even with 5 watts, I know Dick F8WBD worked him twice with 2 watts.

Brazil and Thailand with QRPp

Thailand (9181 km) was one of the spots today with WSPR 500mW on 10 meter. Also spotted by PY2RN (9786 km) with 500 mW. My stats with WSPR 500mW are now 32 DXCC and 15 US States.

Confirmation Requests QRZ log

As you can see, I have 3 confirmation requests waiting. Though I like QRZ logbook, but when I want to confirm I have to fill out the QSO again. Before I had to check, and ready. Now I have to look up QSO data... etc Oh no... too much work. Or do I something wrong?

And again

Yesterday 10 m was in a very good shape again. I made 2 qso's with 500mW JT9. First RW3TP 2537km report -13dB, second KK4ISJ 6596km report -25dB. If I told such a story 20 years ago that I made 500mW qso's over more than 6000km they will laugh at me. Yes, Joe Taylor did a great job. Today propagation is poor, but you'll never know...

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  • Matt W1MST, Managing Editor