A few tweaks to the UZ7HO packet config – more copy from the ISS
I mentioned yesterday that I only seemed to be copying a few frames from each ISS pass. Those seemed to be when the satellite was closest. Which is fair enough of course.
This morning, I spent a few moments reading the UZ7HO manual (which is very good!). You might argue that I should have done that a week ago. But I’m really not that sort of person, I’m afraid.
It transpired that my audio levels into the program weren’t as high as they should have been. I cranked these up almost as far as they would go and left the program monitoring the next ISS pass.
Definitely an improvement! Many more frames copied – great, including some more distant stations such as HG8PL. Rather than copying frames over a short period of time, it was usable over several minutes.
The default setting for the UZ7HO software seemed to be a monochrome waterfall display. I changed it into colour and then followed the manual’s advice to make it a green colour, with red when packet signals are received.
So, a few more frames digi-ed via the ISS today, and messages swapped between Pete, 2E0SQL and myself, over a ground path of around 12 miles, via a spacecraft travelling above us at 17,500MPH.