9K2MU on 20 meters this evening

One day my call will be in the confirmation box
I had some time to flip the switch on the K3 this evening and the bands at first did not seem to be in great shape. As I tuned around I came across a station that was S2 and up to S6, the station was 9K2MU from Kuwait! He was operating split and it did not seem to be to much action trying to contact him. He was calling CQ and listening I threw my call out there and the propagation gods were not smiling on me as my call was not heard. He did come back to some other stations as time went on but I still threw my call out there. Then he was spotted on a cluster and all hell broke loose! The action went from casual to bumper to bumper. By that time is was tea time for me....which I am sipping as I write this post. Even though I did not contact Kuwait it was very cool to hear him in there and have the opportunity  to make the contact.
Mike Weir, VE9KK, is a regular contributor to AmateurRadio.com and writes from New Brunswick, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

One Response to “9K2MU on 20 meters this evening”

  • BOB W 2 I I:

    Salam Murtada my friend? Have not heard your sigs for long time. Wie
    gate es einin? All is well here. too much winter plus snow, Hi! Have
    4l 3 bander all ready to go up once winter goes away. Need oil well this
    year to keep warm. Things are pretty much the same, just getting older.
    God Bless you and yours hope to chat soon.

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