Winlink using Robust Packet

Helge DF8LS has just published a web page showing how to send and receive email on HF using Winlink and the SCS Tracker TNC. I just sent an email to myself (isn’t this one of the signs of madness?) and it was received, so the instructions are obviously good!

A Winlink session on HF

Mention of Winlink seems to cause strong emotions in some quarters. Personally I think using ham radio to send and receive email is rather cool, even if it is too slow to use for today’s level of email use. It’s a pity more hams don’t activate their Winlink account, which is callsign @ .

If you use APRS then you can also send and receive email by that means using a feature called APRSlink. The trouble is, I use it so infrequently that I forget the commands. It would be wise only to use it if the APRS channel is quiet like it is here.

Julian Moss, G4ILO, is a regular contributor to and writes from Cumbria, England. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “Winlink using Robust Packet”

  • Demetre - SV1UY:

    Hi Julian,

    If you like using WINLINK with your SCS Tracker, you should try PACTOR 4 with an SCS P4dragon. You will be amazed when you see how fast and robust is PACTOR 4. It can do up to 10.5Kbps on HF under favourable conditions. Fantastic for exchanging e-mail using your Amateur Radio XCVR at 2.4 KHZ bandwidth. I have experienced up to 100% of this speed on 20m in European links. Usually I see up to 80% (Speed Level 8 out of 10) on 20m.

    You could also try WINMOR, which is much cheaper and faster even than RPR, but only as fast as PACTOR 2 while occupying 1.6 KHZ bandwidth (PACTOR 2 uses only 500HZ), but I guess (know really) that you are already aware of all the above modes.

    73 and Good Radio e-mailing via Winlink (this is what radio is all about)
    de Demetre SV1UY

  • Jim - KH2SR:

    I wish there was a TNC iPhone app for running Winlink.

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