Win a Rigger HT Stand is offering a free prize drawing!
With the help of our very generous sponsor,
Gary, N5BI in Macon, Georgia,
we’re giving away
The Rigger
All licensed hams in the U.S. are eligible to enter
Shipping to the US is included.
Originally designed for County EOC’s and Police Departments, to save their portable radios from being knocked onto the floor, the Rigger is the perfect addition to your shack or a remote high power station in the field.
This is a US$22 value.
Enter now to win!
With over 3000 units sold, The Original Rigger is back into production after a 10 year production break. This HT Stand does it all. Of course it’s a portable HT stand, with a handle for portability that doubles as a microphone holder, with space for a swr/pwr meter, and a shelf for that brick amplifier to boost your HT from 5 watts to 40, or a small lead acid battery for extended operations. Add an external antenna and your station is in portable mode.
It’s base is 1/4″ steel measuring 5″ x 5″ and a 16 gauge steel riser. They apply 2 layers of automotive primer, 2 coats of flat black enamel, and one coat of clear acrylic to make sure it lasts for many years to come. The last picture is of the very first production Rigger, and it is over 15 years old and has been used every day. No assembly required. With its heavy duty construction, it won’t tip over and it always presents your HT digital readout and keypad in a most ideal position.
(radios and other equipment, not included!)
The Rigger is Guaranteed for life. If it breaks, accidentally of course, they’ll replace just ship the broken Rigger to them and they’ll ship a replacement back to you, no charge.
To learn more about it, check out The Rigger online at
Please share this post with your club members, Facebook friends, Twitter followers, or any other ham who might be interested. We don’t want anyone to miss it!
All licensed Amateur Radio Operators in the United States
(To our readers outside the US, we haven’t forgotten you and are working on some worldwide giveaways soon!)
It’s simple!
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Entry Duration
Only 1 week!
You may enter only once from
17 April 2012 20:00 UTC
24 April 2012 20:00 UTC
(multiple entries from the same entrant will be discarded)
We will announce the winner on
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The winner will be announced within 24 hours.
All winner decisions made by staff are final.
The winner will be chosen at random (using from all valid comment entries to this post received by 24 April 2012 20:00 UTC. Entries received after will not be considered. The prize may not be transferred. The prize may not be exchanged for cash. Winner agrees to allow to use their name and callsign to announce them as the winner on our site, and to share their contact information with the sponsor for the purposes of shipping the prize. E-mail addresses of all other entrants will not be shared with any third party, including the sponsor. staff is ineligible to win. No purchase necessary to win. Odds of winning dependent on total number of entries received. Void where prohibited by law.
Just what I need!
This would be the perfect place for the HT during work hours.
I want one. Hope I win.
Very Cool!
That would look good on my desk. 🙂
If I don’t win, where can I buy some???
I need one of these for my Alinco DJ-175 or my old workhorse Realistic HTX-202.I’ve owned the HTX-202 for 15 years now and it still works like a champ!
That would be useful.
That’s neat! I would like one, my HT is balanced on top of a computer most of the time… Just asking for a disaster, now that you point it out.
John, W9JGO
Tnx Gary, N5BI in Macon, Georgia, for your kind generosity.
I could surely use one. 73.
Having dropped my HT on occasion, this would be a welcome addition to the shack!
Never saw one of these before, but it looks like it would come in handy!
I will be looking for these, great idea.
Hams need this! It’s a safe, effective way to keep the handheld radio ready for use and to monitor the activity when a possible ARES/RACES, SKYWARN or other communications emergency may be imminent.
Nice work, Rigger!
Great HT stand. Thanks for the opportunity.
Ned Newlin, W8VFM
[email protected]
This could be a great way to clean up some of the clutter
on my desk. My XYL would approve!
A really nice prize that would be great to own.
Looking forward to seeing who the winner is and I hope it might be me!
Looks like a great idea for use with any HT….
I too hope it’s me. This would be a great addition to my small shack! Could work for mobile as well.
This would help clean up my shamper a little.
Shamper: 1974 camper converted to a shack after being deemed to dangerous to take on the road anymore. (My wife is just happy to have the radio gear out of the house LOL)
Looks like a very handy device!
This would be an nice addition to my work truck.
I think this would work for me!
Wow this looks like a neat item to have no more knocking you ht off you desk nice unit.
I would like to give this a try
This would be a great addition to my EMCOM kit!
I’d like to win
You can send it my way.
I have seen these never could find out who made them. I would love to win one.
This could be quite handy at home.
I could really use this.
I am ready for a rigger.
Great idea for the HT. Would love to have one.
Love to win one for sure!
Look good,just what I can used on my table.
I’m still a Ham My call is
kbotug I haven have anything up yet.
I could use one!
That is 1 neat contraption ! I could really put it to good use
73 de WA3MKN
This looks really cool!
As always cool contest and an awesome site.
73 de kb3jc
TNX & 73
As an SOB ham (shack on belt) this will be a great upgrade!
Thanks for offering a great prize!
Thanks for another cool contest!
This looks like a good one. Thanks for donating the prize.
Very Cool! Just what I need – to use my FT-60 with my 2 meter amp. I grow tried of my HT falling over.
This looks like a very useful devise.
I could surly use one
This looks like the ideal accessory to anyone’s shack.
“Be a Winner and Get A Rigger”. I have been looking for something like this
for my HT. Well done!
Phil N4LNE
That looks like a very fine piece of equipment and I can see where it would sure help my HT’s look better than they do now from rolling around the floorboard of my pickup. Ya’ll keep up the great work.
Looks like a great way to sort out my desk top.
Nice shack accessory.
Me Me Me, Pick Me. We could have used this this past Saturday at our Public Service event when the Net Control’s HT kept tipping over….
Thanks for bringing back the Rigger!
Would make it easier to use my HT
That would look good in my shack :o)
Nice design!
73 /paul W3FIS
Enjoy the Amateur Radio Newsletter….73
This would be perfect for my Yaesu VX-8DR!
Really neat giveaway!
You have some good gear available and some good information also.
I am always intrested in new goodies.
Hello all. Great Web site.
Thanks for all the giveaways… You guys are the best!!
my club could use that
Just what I need for my shack!
nice looking unit
great little product! would come in handy for RACES
Count me in. Looks like a handy accessory for the shack.
This looks like the perfect HT accessory for shack use of your radio!
Jeff Moore — KE7ACY
Bend, Oregon
one way too keep things HANDY no pun intended !
73 from arkansas
A great prize and very useful in the shack or in the field. Thank you.
Very Nice Wed……
Looks like a neat rig
This stand looks great. It would work great sitting in the back of my SUV, working public service events. My fingers are crossed.
Looks great to me. I sure could use one. 73, Alan
I could definitly use one of these, I connect my handheld to an external antenna & I try laying it on the armrest of my recliner. The radio usually slides down into the chair. I end up leaning against it & pushing buttons on the keypad.
73’s Joe KB3PHL
i could so use this. already have a spot picked out for it!
Nice looking device
Well done! Looks as if it will be a very useful tool.
Looks great
I need this for my ft60r
A clever solution
It will be difficult to decide which of my 6 HT’s get to sit in the mount.
Looks like it would be a handy device to have in the shack, at the office, a public service event …!
I wish I had one of these for a year already, then my Wouxun wouldn’t have hit the floor so many times. 🙁 Oh well, maybe soon. 😉 73, Larry
Yeah! Another drawing.
Excellent looking product. I hope my Yeasu FT-270 will fit on the Rigger.
Hello this would come in handy for so many things. In some events I could set it on the hood of my car or on the small table by my small table that I use for events when i take my chair to sit in.. great product..
I’d like to win.
This is exactly what i have been searching for!
What a great, useful product; would love to have one.
Would be a great addition to the shack.
Sounds like a very durable and useful product. Glad to hear the manufacturer is a VET. I am a VET also.
The rigger looks like a practical accessory for the shack or in the field.
I could really use this! No more wondering where the HT is, or laying it on tables. An upgrade for any HT. Thanks!!
Looking good, looks very practical to have. I could envision it in the car, also.
nifty product!
Win it or buy it got to have one
Nice addition for my HT. Could really use it!!
This would be great in any shack
Neat idea.Good luck everyone.
Just finished visiting their site. With a lifetime guarantee, this product will last many lifetimes.
Great Item.
great addition to the shack
can not what for it to arrive
Awesome! Been thinking about getting one of these for my FT-60..
Looks like a great way to keep your rig straight and organized.
Wouldlike to have one!
Looks like a winner !!
Just what I neeed! Looks much better than the Lodi.
Hope I win!!!
Sounds good to me.
These are super cool and very usefull. Espessially if you have multiple HTs.
Thank you for your generousity Gary
very nice !
Have multiple HTs, and a HH scanner.
Never seen The Rigger before…looks very useful.
Looks like a nifty way to tidy things up to me.
Someone had A Good Idea
Great Idea, my HT falls over all the time!
I have a place all picked out on my desk at work for my winning entry…
This is a welcome return to the ham and public safety radio market. I’ve seen many homemade versions, but nothing quite like the original.
Wow! This would be great. No more looking under the mess to find the HT.
I build something like this years ago, but it never quite fit anything right. It would be cool to have one that actually is usable.
If your going to give one away,I’ll take one. I have a Yaesu VX5. I also have the SWR bridge MFJ 844?. It’s dinged up,but the VX5 is ok. I’ll pay shipping. If I don’t use it or I don’t like I’ll send it back.
Thank You
Conrad Herold
8316 S Olson Rd
Clinton WI 53515
This looks neat. I have never had anything like it!
I’m so tired of balancing my HT against a book. Please pick me since I’m pitiful and can’t afford the luxury of convenience! f, k2ncc
Very clever invention!
The stand would be perfect in my shack!
cool awesome looking product — would look nice on the desk to hold my ht instead of it just sitting atop my base rig!! — neat looking stuff
KJ4VYI – Chad
Looks “Nifty”…..could weld one up myself and have it powdercoated but, HEY ! Winning one would be cool!
Sir…you’re gonna have to stop that.
But why?
I’m trying to examine your feet.
Have looked at these in the past, have made several of my own, would love to have a good way to have my HT on the desk.
Something so simple provides many uses. I like it.
I’d love to win this Rigger!
Nice addition to a Go-Kit!
If I win this I will have to obtain an HT! Hmmmm?
Ooops! Just turned 90 this month so naturally I finger-checked the Email address. Got it right this time. SRI.
This is a good addition to anyone who works in the emergency communication field.
Now that’s neat! would love one.
Great Idea, then I would know where I left my HT!!!
Thanks for the opportunity to win a Rigger HT stand.
Good Luck everyone!
Having had my HT hit the floor several times, causing damage to the power connector one time, I can see the value of this product. Even if I do not win, I will look towards purchasing one- Got to be less expensive than repairs!
i wish more people or clubs would have little giveaways like this one. keeps it fun.
Interesting. Looks like a useful product.
looks like a nice stand for your radios
Better looking than the block of wood I made.
Yes! I want to WIN! Something I haven’t done for a number of years. 😉
Neat device. Would love to win one!
Looks like a great product!
Nice looking stand. Would look even better with my HT on it. If I don’t win, I will be placing an order for one or two.
Very nice setup for a ht. As far as my needs it would work great. Hope I win. I have had a stroke and am very inhibited in many ways. I would make good use of it. However if I do not win it I say congrats to the one who does.
Beautiful stand, works on all HTs and scanners..thank you..Tom
I want it! 73