Who the…..???
I usually meet fellow hams on air and then continue our contact via the web. Last night was the other way around and it was a bit embarrassing. I am member of FISTS, the International Morse Preservation Society. I am a bit of a loner, not much into clubs, but do enjoy meeting like-minded folk, so I joined them. FISTS is nice because it encouraged learning Morse code and using it on air. FISTS has some chapters and I joined the East Asia chapter, which is comprised mostly of Japanese members. I offered to help edit and proofread the newsletter and Nao (JO3HPM), the editor-in-chief, took up the offer. For the last couple of months we have had a pleasant exchange via e-mail.
So last night I decided to practise my CW on air and answered a CQ on 30 meters, 10118 kHz to be precise. You may have already guessed it: the CQ came from JO3HPM and 10118 kHz is the FISTS calling frequency in the 30 meter band. Totally oblivious to both facts I started the QSO and only after Nao alerted me who he was it dawned on me whom I was having a QSO with. After my embarrassment faded away we had a very enjoyable 20 minute QSO. I am still a CW beginner and rely on Fldigi as a decoding back-up if my decoding skills fail. But with Nao this was hardly necessary, as he decreased his speed and repeated the more difficult words. That is the spirit and makes being a member of FISTS all the more worth while.
The only other thing……please don’t tell the NCC I had this QSO, because the band allocation for 30 meters here in Taiwan is 10.13 to 10.15 MHz only. Don’t ask me why. 73 de Hans (BX2ABT)