Where did the Stations Go ?
The DX seems to have disappeared here in the valley; it left just a mysteriously as it came. There didn’t appear to be any reason why I captured it, in the first place, around the first of the year, and there doesn’t seem to be any reason it left; but I’m hearing very little here in the valley.
Just as a precaution, I’ve submitted a work order (I’m not holding my breath) for a “new” Gold coating of on the West Virginia State Capitol Dome, which is just up the street. It seems only logical that the recent thunderstorms and a tremendous lightening strike (point blank) last week, on the dome, has reduced my DX to a trickle. I’m just not getting the usual radio signal “bounce” off all that gold.
All kidding aside; the weather has been terrible for the last few weeks. I think the same can be said about most of the European stations which I usually work. They seem to be underwater for the most part. I saw on the news this morning where Calgary Canada has been flooded. The mid west here in the US is still experiencing severe thunderstorms on a daily basis. I think we’re all in trouble with these shifting, and unusual weather patterns in the world.
Perhaps, in some unusual way, I’ll experience these unusual DX band conditions again next year at the same time? It’s beginning to sound like my DX contacts are somewhat of a fluke now, which is difficult to explain. I’ll be looking forward to the beginning of next year, to see if these conditions repeat themselves.