VHF Tropo still going well
Most of yesterday evening was spent very enjoyably, getting to know our new cats – they are real stars! However, just before bed, I did pop into the shack to see what was happening.
OP7V from Belgium was very loud on 432.200 and I enjoyed a QSO with him. By the time I listened, 432MHz was quieter, so I switched over to 144MHz was was pleased to find DK3EE (JO41) coming through at great strength – so had a nice quick QSO with him and also DF0WD (JO42) who I also worked quickly.
Swapped e-mails with Allan, GM4ZUK and he’d been out portable last night and worked over 300 stations on 144/432/1296 over a few hours last night. Allan’s best DX on 1296MHz was OY and SP!
(Edited this in thanks to Ralf, DK4KW for letting me know about it)
This morning conditions were still good and ON0WV was coming through at S9 on 145.650 on my drive to the station. There was a very strong repeater on 145.6375 too, with French stations QRV. I didn’t hear it ID, so it may have been the Jersey repeater, GB3GJ.