VE3FAL WFD 2017 Jan 28-29

Winter Field Day Jan 28-29 2017

Fred Lesnick

Exchange: VE3FAL -10(1 station, outdoors), ONN (Ontario North)

Saturday morning packed the truck with gear and sleigh to pull into my shelter location South of Thunder Bay. This location serves as not only the area I like to hunt, hike and bike, but also my training grounds for Winter Survival as well as a training grounds for the 1st Thunder Scout Explorer Group that I am proud to be part of.

I parked the truck and pulled the sleigh in 2 kms to the location. Opened up the tent and got the fire going straight away inside as well as outside. Morning temperature was nice and the hike was peaceful as well. Scouter James and part of the troop showed up just after 10am where we practiced building and setting primitive traps up as well as relax and enjoy the day. I prepped a spot for my KX2 in the tent and later put the Packtenna EF up in the tree’s with the help of Scouter James. We were ready to roll for the 1900z start of WFD. I opted to operate 40 meters QRP CW only as it was the only band that showed any real activity; the higher bands were very spotty.

Scouter James and I spent the entire night out at the tent while I played off and on in the test. I was able to make 10 completed qso’s (exchanges) and actually beat my score from last year. For me it’s not hardcore, I am just out to play and hone skills both with radio and survival.

I made a short video of the day dedicated to WFD and it can be seen on my YouTube Channel:









73 Fred VE3FAL


Fred Lesnick, VE3FAL, is a regular contributor to and writes from Thunder Bay Ontario, Canada. Contact him at [email protected].

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