This Spewed Out of the Internet #24
Here’s another update of
interesting important stuff spewing forth from the internet.
The Noise Blankers continue to run amuck on these interwebz, with cutting edge reporting like this: Amateur Radio Club Indicted on Ferritte Trafficking Charges, Special Event Station to Mark Departure of Mother-In-Law, and Man Claims CQ Contest Victory Despite No Contacts. In a related matter, still no word on the status of the Lost Island DX Society (LIDS).
The FISTS CW Club has a web page that measures your callsign weight. The basic idea is that shorter is better, so plug your callsign in and the ham with the lowest score wins! Mine weighs 52, what’s yours?
The ARRL Field Day information is available for download. The logo looks pretty good this year!
Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) is on the way out.
Lots of new content on Stu W0STU has been discussing the Technician License Question of the Week and I contributed some Shack Talk articles.
And remember, everything on the internet is true because the government is watching it.
73, Bob K0NR