This is how to do bicycle mobile – thanks to Simon G4SGI

After I posted my picture of bicycle portable yesterday, my pal from Cheltenham, Simon, G4SGI asked if I’d seen his bicycle mobile video. I had seen it but I watched it again last night.

It’s well filmed and I think inspiring! I’m sure some of you will enjoy it too. Quite apart from the well thought out mechanics of Simon’s bicycle mobile station – I am very impressed about how he is able to speak clearly whilst travelling at a good speed!

Well done, Simon and thank you for the inspiration

Tim Kirby, G4VXE, is a regular contributor to and writes from Oxfordshire, England. Contact him at [email protected].

2 Responses to “This is how to do bicycle mobile – thanks to Simon G4SGI”

  • N2QFD -Malachi:

    What a lovely video, good job with it all.

    I’m a cyclist here as well and happened onto your video through an esperanto feed as I’m also studying this language.

    I used to carry a small Alinco in my pocket when I was a regular inhabatant of the Adirondack Park (here in New York) They are our high peaks and there is little to no wireless communication without amateur radio there as building towers is right out.

    These days I’m cycling more in a road bike and reluctant to carry the extra weight although I do usually have a small cell phone tucked away just in case.

    I too found it necessary to modify the luggage rack in order to get a good ground plane. I mounted a small disk of steel onto mine so I could use a mini mag mount antenna.

    Before the bicycle adventures I was using a motorcycle and I tried a throat mike, which was poor on the audio side. Most reports varied between “talking though a dish rag” to “talking through a pork chop.” So very impressed with the set up you have there. I too used a remote PTT.

    So good show agian!

    I keep some of my cycling on

    Lernu rajdi biciklo. Vi ne bedaŭro gi se vi viva. -Mark Twain

  • Lloyd VK2KNS:

    Good video ,i go radio mobile on a recumbent trike .The trike is great as a stable unit (no balancing)Have almost finished a slim jim 2mtr antenna and looking forward to getting mobile and radio active on my full susp trike.
    Lloyd vk2kns

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