The builder bug

It looks like I’m coming down with another case of the “builder bug”. That’s what I call it when I get the urge to make stuff. For the last couple of years, I’ve been content playing with digital repeaters I’ve cobbled together, or wiring up a TNC for a Raspberry pi in recent months. But now, I’m looking at Arduinos. These boards are a little lower level than the full-blown Linux system I’ve come to love with the pi. The Arduinos have incredible potential because of their simplicity. With very lower power consumption, and nearly instant power up, I can see many uses for these wonders of the 21st century. My youngest daughter is working on a project to provide weather data from the high school’s crop test plot 4 miles away. That led us to looking at building a weather station from scratch, which led to Arduinos, which then led to…well you get the point. I’ve now found at least four other projects that I could accomplish with these little microcontrollers. I placed an order for an $4 UNO last night. Let the fun begin!

Michael Brown, KG9DW, is a regular contributor to and writes from Illinois, USA. Contact him at [email protected].

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