The Baofeng UV-5R has arrived

Haven’t had a QSO with it yet, but the UV-5R has arrived. Nicely built and looks promising.
Programming the memories manually is, um, interesting. I can program most things but I’ve ordered a programming cable.
The VHF side seems to work better than the UV-3R. I’ve successfully blipped up GB3WH on 2m and GB3TD, GB3DI, GB3UK on 70cms.
Charger looks ok, though I preferred the USB capability on the UV-3R plus. No sign of an earpiece/mike as supplied with the UV-3R which I found useful. I will try the UV-3R earpiece/mike – I’m guessing that will work fine.
More soon as I have time to play.
bril radio gets out well pick up rely well igot just oder one 4 amate