Posts Tagged ‘svxlink’

Echolink node update

Well the node is up and seems to be running reasonably well. The software is reporting distortion on the input but I think that is more to do with the close rf during testing. There are now some isolating transformers and a resistor in series to knock back a bit of signal and it seems to be ok when I connect through the web interface. Perhaps some other measures might help. Its still running on vox but until I can work out how to do the ptt easily I’ll stick with that.

I’ll leave it on for a while and see what I get back from the locals. Here’s a reminder of the details

Callsign – MB7IAH-L

Node number – 243350

Freq – 144.9625 Mhz

CTCSS – 103.5Hz

Power – 1.6w (hold onto your rf hats!)

Antenna – 1/2 wave dipole

All powered by a Raspberry Pi, Svxlink and a Baofeng UV-5R.


Show Notes #103

Episode #103 Audio (Listen Now):


  • Pete, VE2XPL from the wAVE gUIDES podcast joins as the quasi-permanent co-host for LHS.


  • The Dayton Hamvention is happening from May 17-19, 2013. LHS will be in the Hara Arena. Please help by donating to the cause.
  • RARSfest is happening May 30, 2013 in Raliegh, NC. LHS will NOT have an ambassador at the show this year.
  • CQ World Wide WPX Contest is happening March 30-31, 2013 (0000Z-2359Z) for SSB and May 25-26,2013 (0000Z-2359Z) for CW. All the normal HF bands are involved in the contest. The WPX contest is based on an award offered by CQ Magazine for working all prefixes. The contest draws thousands of entries from around the world.
  • Ohio Linux Fest Call For Papers is now open:  “Ohio LinuxFest is looking for talks for our 2013 event, which will be held September 13-15, 2013, in Columbus Ohio. We are looking for a variety of talks at all levels, from Beginners through Intermediate to Advanced. Any topic related to free and open source software, or to open hardware, is fair game for a talk. If you have something to say, we’d love to offer you a an opportunity to say it. Just go to and fill out the submission form.”


  • The future of VoIP
  • EchoLink, AllStar Link and IRLP are VoIP services
  • Tucnak
    • Multiplatform VHF/HF contest logging program. Includes all features for Multi station: networking, ON4KST chat, CW/SSB keying, radio control and more
    • New version 3.17 released on March 25, 2013
    • Authored by Ladislav, OK1ZIA
    • (Download link)
    • Also packaged for Debian (with repos!)
  • Svxlink
    • Linux EchoLink server with qtel EchoLink client
    • New version 13.03 released on March 9, 2013
    • Authored by Tobias, SM0SVX
  • Qle
    • QSO Logger and Log Editor for Linux
    • No package support for Debian or RH based systems
    • Perl and sqlite on the back end
    • New version 0.0.35 released on March 1, 2013
    • Authored by Wilbert, ZL2BSJ


  • E-mail from Brad A. talking about iOS vs Maemo and the corporate/community Ubuntu status according to him.
  • LHS Yearly Membership by Rubens K. Thank you!
  • Gary, KE2YK, has promoted us yet again on his blog. Therefore we will promote him back.

Contact Info:

  • Contact Russ at [email protected] or [email protected].
  • Listen to the live stream every other Tuesday at 8:00pm Central time. Check the LHS web site for dates.
  • Leave us a voice mail at 1-909-LHS-SHOW (1-909-547-7469), or record an introduction to the podcast.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list.
  • LHS merchandise is available at the Merch link on Web site.
  • Check out the Badgerwear or buy one of the other LHS-branded items at or Cafe Press. Thanks.
  • Thanks to Dave from Gamma Leonis for the theme music.


  • “14 Ghosts II” by Nine Inch Nails from the album Ghosts I-IV.
  • “Discipline” by Nine Inch Nails from the album The Slip.


LHS Episode #103: Indoorsman Meets Outdoorsman

pete-300x300Thanks for tuning into Episode #103 of Linux in the Ham Shack. With this episode we welcome in our quasi-permanent replacement for the on-hiatus Richard. Pete, VE2XPL, hails from somewhere near Montreal in Quebec, Canada, and you can read more about him on the About Us page on this very site. In this information-filled installment, Pete and Russ discuss the FCC and other licensing bodies getting interested (perhaps too interested) in VoIP technology. They also talk about several software packages related to running ham radio loggers and an Echolink client under Linux. And then they trudge through a super, super, super, super, super long e-mail from Brad. Thanks, Brad! Keep listening, folks, you’re not going to believe what the next few episodes have in store.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #098


  • A Futile Exercise in Focus, or perhaps a feudal exercise. Stay tuned and find out.


  • Listen to us live Tuesday evenings (in the USA), or subscribe and receive access to the unedited recording and other things. Visit the website for details.
  • We’re in dangerous proximity to episode 100, so send in comments, suggestions, voice mail, Facebook, Google+, or carrier pigeons.
  • All you podcasters out there, join the Black Sparrow Media network.
  • The 2013 Dayton Hamvention will be May 17-19, 2013. Russ is hoping to have the LHS booth again, but we need your help. Please donate if you can. Every little bit helps.
  • Kevin O’Brien, Publicity Director for the Ohio LinuxFest, tells us that they have set up a brief survey to gather ideas for the 2013 Ohio LinuxFest. Visit to find the survey.
  • Northeast Linux Fest will be March 16th and 17th, 2013, at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.


  • Russ’ Raspberry Pi adventures continue. His Echolink node 54711 is now up and running on a Raspbian-based Raspberry Pi with svxlink and Qtel. Russ had to insert “dwc_otg.fiq_fix_enable=0″ into the /boot/cmdline.txt file in order to fix a problem with the onboard Ethernet card locking up. Since then, all has been well.
  • Amateur Radio Pi is a forum with the tagline: The interactions between amateur radio and the Raspberry Pi.
  • The Society for the Preservation of Amateur Radio (SPAR) will conduct a Winter Field Day, beginning 1700Z on January 26, 2013 and ending at 1700Z January 27th.
  • HamSphere is a software Amateur Radio simulator that allows licensed radio amateurs and unlicensed enthusiasts to communicate with one another using a virtual transciever over the Internet. It was designed by Kelly Lindman, a radio amateur with callsign 5B4AIT. The software runs under Windows, Mac or Linux. There’s also a Wikipedia page for more information.
  • RepeaterBook is an Android application for locating amateur radio repeaters. There are lots of options, including repeater types and modes (D-Star, etc). It also supports the BlueCAT Yaesu FT-857/FT-817 interface that allows you to tap a repeater entry in RepeaterBook on the phone and it will set your radio frequency.


  • Comment via the Web site from Leif, KC8RWR, with another attempt at explaining hard and soft links, which we were discussing in episode 95. Thanks, Leif.
  • Leif also commented about difficulties hearing a mobile radio without a speaker in the head unit.
  • A very strange voice mail from the Radio Gangsta, aka Rich, KD0RG, from the LowSWR podcast.
  • E-mail from gasgasmike, asks if it would be possible to use short wave radio to provide wireless Internet service. Our hosts discuss the practical difficulties with such a scheme. (Note: the use of the amateur portions of the radio spectrum for commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the FCC.)
  • Jeff, KC2QZO, sends his appreciation of our discussion of Codec2 in episode 85.
  • Russ mentions that there is another low-bitrate codec is being developed: The Opus Interactive Audio Codec.

Contact Info:


  • None this episode.

LHS Episode #098: Feudal Exercise

rackSometimes you feel like a nut. Sometimes you don’t. Luckily, Richard’s miraculous recovery from the Creeping Death outweighed Russ’s totally miserable Ides of January, resulting in a listenable episode with a bunch of content–mostly thanks to elcaset, a listener of the show, via IRC. There’s also a bit about svxlink using a Raspberry Pi (yes, it is possible and completely functional) and lots of information about upcoming events. We’d like to thank everyone you who submitted feedback, including The Radio Gangsta, who we also hope will get some much-needed psychological attention soon.

If you think about it, make sure to download the Black Sparrow Media app for your iPhone, iPad or Android device. And please tell your friends about the show. Have them sign up for the mailing list, episodes via RSS, the Google+ community and all the other ways they can keep up with what’s going on in LHS Land.

73 de The LHS Guys

Show Notes #097


  • Welcome to another episode of Linux in the Hamshackedness, where the Chocolate Shake Fairy visits Richard.


  • LHS now accepts micropayment donations via Flattr. It’s been successful for the Linux Outlaws guys, so we’re giving it a try here.
  • We now have a countdown timer on the Web site that shows the time remaining until the next live recording. Of course, now that we’re recording on Wednesdays, we’ve decided to move back to Tuesdays. That will happen in January. Keep an eye on the web site for the dates. (Tuesday, January 8, 2013, as of this moment.)
  • We also have a Google Community for Linux in the Ham Shack. It’s a great method for leaving feedback, show suggestions, questions, hate mail or anything else.
  • The Dayton Hamvention 2013 will be coming up soon, so we’ve added the donation thermometer to the website. Please make a donation and help send LHS to Dayton again in 2013.
  • Sign up for the LHS mailing list, too.
  • Gnorman has a bio on the LHS About Us page.


  • Raspberry Pi in the Ham Shack
    • Russ has been working on getting an Echolink node running on his Raspberry Pi.
    • He’s chosen Raspbian as the operating system, which is based on Debian Wheezy.
    • Installation consists of downloading the iso, using dd to copy it to a secure digital card (SD flash memory card), booting the Raspberry Pi with the SD card, and following the prompts to install.
    • VK2MEV has posted instructions for configuring a Raspberry Pi as an Echolink node.
    • So far, Russ has Raspbian installed, as well as svxlink and qtel, but has not yet connected it to the usb sound card or attached it to his Rascal GLX interface to control the radio. Another option would be to use the Pi’s GPIO bus to control the radio instead of a digital mode interface.
    • VK2MEV also has a page describing WSPR on a Raspberry Pi. (Another page is VK2MEV’s blog on WSPRnet.)
    • Ted, WA0EIR, says he thinks some folks have his PSK31LX program running on a Raspberry Pi.
    • Russ mentions that there is a Slackware build for the Raspberry Pi.


  • Cory, KD0QEA, asks if there are any “hangout” radio frequencies for LHS hosts and listeners. Well, Cory, there are none due to lack of time for the hosts to get on the radio. However, perhaps our listeners would like to establish an LHS net. Email your suggestions for bands, frequencies and times and we’ll announce them on the podcast. When Russ gets his Echolink node/Raspberry Pi running, he’ll be there more often. The node number will be 54711 (LHS11 on the telephone pad).
  • Doug, N6LMX, left a voice mail about the Raspberry Pi. He has one and wonders which ham radio apps can be used on the Pi. He’s also using Raspbian as the operating system. Doug will be attempting to create a media center with his, as well as ham radio applications. Russ suggests running the Pi headless and using ssh from a smartphone or tablet to access it. That would avoid having to carry a monitor and keyboard around with the Pi. It’s likely that most of the popular Linux ham applications, such as fldigi, would work fine with the Pi, though you may need to compile them yourself. As for the media server idea, the Pi may not be quite powerful enough. Raspbmc is based on XBMC, and might be the best option. Ted, WA0EIR, has several Linux ham radio applications that should work quite well on the Pi. Richard also wonders if there are folks running APRS on the Pi, and there’s at least one. Thanks for the voice mail, Doug. We appreciate it.
  • Dave, M0DCM, has been catching up on the show, and responds to episodes 95 and 96. He uses 75-ohm coax as a feedline with a 1:1 balun to horizontal and vertical dipoles, and is able to bypass his tuner on 21 and 24MHz. He goes on to describe his Linux and radio activities. Thanks, Dave.
  • Thanks to everyone who sent happy birthday messages to Russ.
  • Gorkon, aka Joel, says there may have been a problem with the ogg version of episode 96. Russ will take care of it if he finds the problem.
  • Mike, from Sugarland, TX, has been trying to use N3FJP’s Amateur Contact Log (ACLog) program for logging, presumably under WINE, but it crashes and he wonders if anyone else has had any experience with this. If any of our listeners have tried ACLog under Linux, let us know, or respond on the Google+ LHS community. Russ suggests forcing WINE into 16-bit compatibility mode.

Contact Info:


  • None this episode.

LHS Episode #097: Sheer Hamshackedness

shack-03Welcome once again to the Wonderful World of Linux in the Ham Shack. As indicated in the title, this episode is full of Sheer Hamshackedness. If you’re unsure what that is, we encourage you to pour yourself a nice glass of dark beer or a 100-proof spirit of your choice, put on your headphones and immerse yourself in the pure hedonism that is LHS. And if you believe any of that, we have a large vehicular conveyance over the East River in New York City up for sale as well. Anyway, we talk a little bit about Raspberry Pi computing, APRS, WSPR, Echolink, svxlink, Qtel and a bunch of other stuff in this episode. Hope you enjoy, as always.

73 de The LHS Guys

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